Your life was changed

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You open your eyes slowly and see a barely lit room you look around and see your tied to a chair you see a cement floor with cement walls you look around some more when you see a door you yell "HELP ME IS ANYONE THERE"?

A door opens you see light and a tall dark figure in the doorway he says "no one can help you unless you help us". You ask "who are you"? He chuckles and says "that information is classified you have to work for that".

You give him a glare and asks "do you know who your messing with"? He smirks and says "we have a gloater she thinks she a badass". You yell "I'M NOT GLOATING YOU ASSHOLE I JUST WANNA GO HOME I HAVE A DAUGHTER AND A BOYFRIEND THAT'S GONNA LOOK FOR ME ALONG WITH A FATHER AND I'M PREG-".

You stop talking when you see his face and recognizes who it is you turn away from him and looks in the opposite direction. He chuckles and says "what don't wanna finish your sentence".

You look at the wall then you feel a brush against your shoulder then you hear a whisper in your ear "I'm gonna have fun with you just like old times". You look at him and say "I'm not yours you can't just do what you want to me".

He smiles and says "really I can't well I don't think no one is coming for you after all your daughter is too young you had a fight with your boy toy and your father is old and your mother is well we know what happened to her".

You smile and say "yeah all that might be true but your forgetting one little detail, my family will go to any lengths too find me they will do all they can to find me and bring me back and my mother has nothing to do with this so leave her out of it".

He has a stern look on his face and walks out you think about what you said to Tim and feels guilty for it. Three hours pass and you see him walking in asking "are u gonna help us yet or you gonna give us shit"?

You spit in his face he grabs a napkin from his pocket and wipes his face off he chuckles and says "untie her take her to my room I'm gonna teach her a lesson". The guard asks "which room sir"? He turns around says "my bedroom".

He then leaves, the guard comes to you and unties you, you run to the door and goes into the hallway you run until the guy you know grabs you he has a hold of your waist "where do you think your going"? You hear while hitting him you scream and say "LET GO OF ME"! He calmly says "no".

You head but him he lets go the guard runs after you. You run around the corner of the house until you see a familiar face you scream and run backwards into the guard you yell "PLEASE DON'T LET ME NEAR HIM PLEASE TAKE ME JUST GET HIM AWAY FROM ME"!

The guard puts you behind him "what (Y/n) got spooked"? Charlie says chuckling. Your eyes begin to tear up "awwww Darro why is she here with you"? Charlie says. Darro grabs you from behind the guard and says "you know her huh well she done head but me and tried to escape".

You say crying "sorry I'll do anything just don't have me go with him please". Darro looks at you like he never has and asks "I wasn't going to have you go with him but what did he do"? You look at Charlie and says crying "he raped me a long time ago at a party then we all think he killed my mom she was in a car crash a few hours ago because he came to my house and when he left my mo-".

Charlie interrupts and says "yes I killed her and yes I raped you". You cry profusely Darro says "take her to my room Peter I'll be there in a minute with her". Peter takes you to Darros room you sit on his bed and cries, Peter then leaves the room.

20 mins pass you hear 3 gunshots you get scared you get up from the bed and grabs a candlestick holder from his bedside table you take the candle out of it you wait beside the door with the holder.

The door opens Darro comes in the room with Peter. Peter closes the door and turns around to close the door until he sees you he jumps and asks scared "(Y/n) what are you doing"? You drop the holder on the floor and says "Idk I heard gunshots and I thought Charlie gunned you two down so I was going to defend myself".

Darro walks over to you he grabs the holder and puts it back on the table he says "Charlie was going and getting his gun so I grabbed mine and I shot his shoulder then he was running so I got up and started to fire but he escaped so he's still alive and your free to go Liam had us take you and it was nice to see you btw Liam told me your boy toy is outside also".

You look at him happy and say "thank you for not hurting me it was nice seeing you too and take care". You walk out of the room you go outside and sees Liam instead of Tim you walk over to liam and asks "where's Tim"?

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