2:Soggy Toast

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Mag's POV

Have you ever woken up to loud music blaring through the  house. In Maria's house, when she has music playing, it means we-sorry, I have to clean up the house.

Lifting up my head, I hear her favorite, Celia Cruz. "What"She only plays that when she's in a good mood. I sit up and unplug my phone from its charger.  5:15 am  Yay, I got one more hour of sleep.

I get out of bed and stretch before grabbing my towel and head to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to heat up.

Yawning while looking at myself in the mirror, I take my hair out of it's bun. Have you ever wonder where you get your traits from. Like I wonder if my mother had the brown eyes or if my father did. Same with my dark brown hair. I never knew what my parents looked like so I would never know.

I rub my face "This is going to be a long day"

After my shower, I head back to my room. Opening up my dresser drawer, I take out my overall shorts and a-'no boy is going to want you if you continue to wear those good awful overall shorts'.  I remember my little conversation with Maria last night.

I don't need a boyfriend. But isn't that what every girl say when they realize that they're not going to bet one any time soon.

Who cares what Maria says or thinks. I look good in these.

Apparently I care what Maria say and thinks. I couldn't bring my self to wearing my shorts. I decide to wear my ripped black jeans with a pink sweater with my slip on vans. Grabbing my brush and comb, I detangle my hair and put it up in a ponytail.

"Contacts or glasses?"I stare at the two on my nightstand. I kinda don't want to poke my eye this early so, let's just do glasses today.

I grab my school bag and head down the hall to the kitchen. I walk on Maria cooking some bacon and dancing like she has something in her pants. I turn off her music "¿Tienes que ir al baño?"(Do you have you go to the bathroom?) She gives me a sour face. I laugh as I go over to her. Hugging her side and kissing her cheek before I let go"Morning"

"You know, I didn't think you be up this early"

"How could I not when you're playing music loudly"I sit down at the counter."Why you up so early anyway"

"Because while you're away, I will stay! I was thinking about cleaning up a bit here. Maybe fix the door and the windows"

"Maria, you know for a fact that if you fix that door, everybody in the neighborhood will know we have money and try to rob us."

"And they will get hit by a brick"Maria takes the bacon off the stove and puts it on a plate

"And what's wrong the windows. It's safer to have wood keep it locked that an actual lock"She waves her hand at me in a way of disagreement."Besides Maria, if you fix all that stuff you have to sign up for insurance and then you're going to have to trust that that insurance is going to cover you-"

"Would you shut up child"I laugh at her. She turns around and places down a plate with a burrito on it"Breakfast is served" I go to grab it but Maria beat me to it and took a bite out of it

"What- where's my breakfast?"She points at me before turning away and grabbing something and puts it in front of me. It has a napkin over it. I pull it off and see that is something black"What is this"

"The toast I told you to eat last night"Remember when I said Maria was a sweet old lady. I meant crazy old lady. I go to pick it up but it breaks apart at my touch"Why is it soggy"

"Sprinklers"I drop it and wipe my hands as I watch Maria eat her burrito.

"I think I'm just going to head to school now" I get up and grab my bag before heading to the door

"But it's only 6:02. School doesn't start until 7:15"Maria calls after me as I remove the five bricks from the front door

"Oh, well you know, I  want to get there early so that I can know the school"I open the door and walk out before closing it with force so that it actually shuts"Or to get some actually food"


"That will be 15.75"Freak, I really spent that much. All I got was a jumbo burrito with extra meat. Looking at my wallet, I only have 10.20. That's how much they used to cost at my old city. Pulling out all I have I hand it to the cashier"This is not enough" I really don't need this man's rudeness this early

"I'm aware that's all I have" Shaking his head, he tries to give it back to me but stops when someone slaps a $20 bill down on the counter"I got it"

"Good" The cashier takes the 20 and hands me back my money. I look over to who it is a man. He looks about 35 or so."Thank you sir"

"No problem" After getting my ticket I walk off to the side and wait for my food to be ready. Taking out my phone I look at the time.6:23  I should have time to walk from here to school and be there in time. I open my phone deciding to play some random game I have.

Before I touched any app, I noticed my background. It's me and her from that night. the night of the incident

"I still don't get why we are going. We've the lonely shy girls that have no friends. We don't belong there" I continue to complain as I fix my hair

"we are going because it's going to be fun. I mean we are 15 and half way done with high school. Don't you want your last two years to be fun?"

"Of course. But i don't need to party to have fun. I just need you"I turn to her as she slips on her shoes

"AWWWW-EW. Are you two almost done. I told you if you're not ready soon I will leave without you two" Her brother walks into the room with a sour look on his face. Senior much

"I thought you were going on your bike Z"She gets up and grabs her car keys

"Yes, but I still have to show you two the way to get there"He leaves the room

"Hold on, picture" I set up my phone and put on the timer. Standing in front of it, we stand there trying to look serious but we end up failing and laughing right when the picture took.

"385! This is your last call!" I look up and see everyone looking around. Looking at my ticket, I realize that's me. I quickly go over and grab my food before they throw it away.

Yeah, today is going to be a long day


Idk what to say

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