7:Help Me

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Mag's POV

Can't breath. Need air.

Little advice. Don't go running when you are having a panic attack.

I barley get up the front steps to the house. I feel like crying because I can barley breath right now. I manged to get up and reach the door. Slamming up against it, I was able to open it. I take a brick and shut the door with it.

I drop my things and get to my room.

bottle? where is my bottle?

 I tare apart my room in search of my medication. I need it. It might be the only thing that will save me right now. As I searched on top of my dresser, I fell due my lack of air. My lungs feel like they're being crashed. I mean all I have to do is breath and I can't even do that.

Black dots feel my vision as my eyes slowly start to flutter close. I cock my head to the side, ready to give up. I mean why shouldn't I. He  found me. I'm going to be killed because of it so why not just give up now and let my attack kill me.

found it.

 I slowly reach over and get one of the white pills on the ground. I bring it to my mouth and place in there. My mouth is dry and I'm too weak to get up and get water. Without another thought, I bite down on the pill. Again and again until I'm able to swallow the pieces of the pill.

Slowly I start to feel my lungs open back up but I can't move. I'm too weak.

I've always been too weak

"Zach!"I claw at his hands to release my throat but it doesn't work. Black dots are all I'm starting to see. He lets go of me but only to throw me to the ground. I bring my hand up to my neck as the swelling and soreness start to kick in

"You're dead Mags. You killed my sister all because you decided you didn't want to have sex. Are you fucking kidding me!" He stalks towards me. I start to back up from him while I'm still on the ground.

"Zach, it wasn't like that. I was going to get raped okay. I-"

"Well look at what the fuck you're wearing of course you were. You practically wearing a 'come fuck me sign'."

I kept backing up from him until I ended up at the edge of the street"Zach stop it okay. I'm sorry you know I would never hurt her okay? But right now we need to help her"

"Help her? How are we suppose to help her if she DEAD!" He jumps on top of me and take out his dad's pocket knife. He must have stolen it before we left."YOU'RE DEAD"

I scream out as he applies pressure to my neck with the knife

"Help me! Somebody help me!" I cry out as I continue to lay there on the ground of my bed room. There is no doubt in my mind that he isn't waiting around outside waiting for me right now. He was at my school. It's no question that he doesn't know where I live too"Help! Help me!"

For the past year or so, I'm been running, fighting, staying hidden. For the past year or so, I've been keeping low.

For the past year or so, I wasn't living, I was surviving.


a few hours later

Should I get anti-depressions? I mean, it's not like I'm depressed, it's just ever since I took my medication earlier, I haven't been in the best of moods. I layed on my floor for about 3 hours. I didn't get up until one of the neighborhood ladies heard my screams and came to see what was wrong.

After she left I called into work because school was over and I wanted to be anywhere other than my house. So here I am. Standing behind the counter with not a single customer since I've been here. It's currently 7:14 in the night and I kinda regret coming to work.

I made sure to call Maria and let her know what happened. She freaked out and insisted that I shouldn't be alone. Well it was too late for that considering I had to walk to work since Maria took her car to work and I'm alone here at work

The door opened. I didn't look up and continued to stare down at my shoes as I lean up against the wall behind me. Who ever walked in went to the back of the store to the fridges before coming back over to the counter. They placed down a bottle of water."That's all" That voice....it's Nick's

I look up at him. He had some marks on his face and his hands. He was in a fight"What happened to your face?" I scan the water before handing it back to him

"Thanks"He jokes while handing me money"My friends and I got into a fight with these guys in some ally"


"Um, about 10 minutes ago"I widen my eyes at him. What?! I leave to counter and head to the back. Marty has a first aid kit in his office. I look for it and come across a draw full of condoms. And now I don't want to touch anything in this room.

I find the kit and bring it out front to when Nick is. When he sees what I have he smiles before shaking his head at me"Mags, what are you doing?" His voice sounds as if he's teasing me

"I'm g-going to clean yo-your wounds"Will someone please teach me how to talk properly.

"Why? Do you care for me already? We haven't even known each other a full day"

"I know what you did"I take out the wraps and some wipes. I look back up at him, due to me being only up to his chest"Last night, with the honey"His face turned into a hard one. Almost as if he was pissed.

"I notice some guy place it on your car when I was about to leave. I wanted to get rid of it before you saw"I grab his hand and start to disinfect it"How'd you know?"

"When I got home, I noticed it on top of my car. I put the pieces together"I started to wrap up his hand so it doesn't get disinfected"Thank you Nick"

"Anything for you Mags"I stop what I'm doing and just stare up at him. His crystal blue eyes pierce through my brown ones. Is it bad that I want to kiss him? I mean like I just met the guy last night but he is just so beautiful.

I break our contact first. There's no way I could kiss him. He wouldn't want some 16 year old high school junior who is the size of a growing tree to kiss him. He probably has a girlfriend anyway. I mean with him being-

Huh, I actually don't know his age. I finish wrapping his hand. I put everything back into the kit before closing it"Nick, how old are you"

"I'm 18"

"Oh" I let out sadly. I turn to go back to Marty's office.

Yeah, he wouldn't want me


Guys, I'm low key confusing my self with the times of this story and Dealing with the Delinquent but I got it down

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