20:Smokes and Chips

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Mags's POV

One Month later

I don't know what it is. if it's the cool air outside or the fact that I got a good morning text from Nick this morning, but life is good.

Diem has been training me so that I'm more prepared if anything happens to me. Dalen and I are closer. We have that friendship were your close with your best friend's boyfriend but not too close to where they have to tell you to back off

Erik and Chez are doing well. They have been acting strange when ever all of us in a room together. Like they're uncomfortable. But we all think it's because they are surrounded by couples.

And well Nick and I have been......Nick and I

"Fiji today?" He kept his promise. He is on I think round 3 on buying every water brand in the store

"Yeah, I wanted to be fancy today"He gives me a five. He looks good today.  Maybe it's because he's wearing a long sleeve with his jacket on top. A while ago, I made a comment that he looked good in long sleeves and now almost every time I see him, he's wearing them. I finish ringing him up and look up. He's checking out. Again.

I should be used to it by now, but I'm not. It makes me feel like I'm on fire."Nick?"His blue eyes looks up at me without shame."Y-your ch-change"My cheeks burn up as I hand it to him

"When are you going to stop stuttering around me "He reaches over a grabs a stand of hair that come out of my ponytail.

"When y-you sto-p looking at m-me like that" Fire. My cheeks are on fire. Do boys make other girls feel like this

"Well, looks like you're going to be stuttering for the rest of your life then"He smiles at me as he continues to lean over the counter

"Nick, I'm only 16 and didn't you just turn 19"

"Yeah, but don't you turn 17 in a few weeks"He is still playing with my hair

"I'm still going to be a minor"I slightly pull away looking down. It's obvious I like him. He might too but it's hard to tell. It sucks liking someone older than you. Two years older at that

"When do you get off"My eyes snap to him. Is he crazy"What"

"Nick,it's only 2 in the afternoon. I don't get off until like 11 tonight"

"Then I'll stay here until then"

"That's call loitering"

"Then I'll buy a bottle of water every hour"I tried and failed to fight the smile on my face.

Gosh, there's just something about Nick


Marty hasn't been to work in days. The gang didn't kill him, or at least I don't think they did. So I've been working a bit harder. I understand how my pay works so I pay myself. Anyone else in my shoes probably would have given themselves a raise but if and when I get a new boss, I don't want to get fired on the spot

I lock up the office and head back to the front. Turning off the lights, I head outside. Nick was waiting for me as usual.

I walk over to him and lean into him. He puts his arm around me."So, Miles tortured you guys and then Diem came in and saved you guys?"I recap our conversation we had before I started to lock up. I don't want anyone to hear us, even though no one is around, so I'm whispering

"Yep, and now Diem's gang and our are almost completely joined together and we are becoming a very powerful gang, soon to be mafia"We reached my car but Nick doesn't let go of me just yet

"Note to self never piss you off"I joke around as I turn in his arms to face him

"I would never hurt you Mags"He softly whispered down to me"Look um I kn-know that you sa-said tha-t you'r still a min-or and everything not that it matter. I mean it does matter cause its illegal. But considering I'm a gang leader, you could say illegal is my middle name"He cuts him self off as he looks down at me. Looks who stuttering now"Who am I kidding you probably don't even want to be with someone like me."He's really cute right now. The way he's nervous about talking about me right now. I said it before and I'll say it again:I want to kiss him right now"I mean I told you what happened to Diem because of her relationship with Dalen, oh fuck. What if something like that happens to you just like last time and you get hurt like last time or worse. Shit! Okay look Mags with all due respect-" I shut him up by reaching up and kissing him.

I can tell he didn't expect that but he quickly grabbed the side of my face and took control of the kiss. I've been wanted to kiss him for the past few months and it was worth the wait.

Nick was being gently yet rough at the same time. He pushed against me and backed us up onto Maria's car. As he continues to kiss me slowly and passionately, he slides his hand down to my waist and pulls my hips to his.

I let out a small whimper? Moan? I honestly couldn't tell. He bit down on my bottom lip before pulling away, tugging on it before releasing it.

Was my first kiss a make out? Was it possibly the best kiss I would ever had ever in my life?

The answer is yes

"What happened to you being a minor" I shake my head as I let out a laugh

"Something told me you weren't going to stop until I'm yours. Nick Lucas Faille, will you be my boyfriend"

I don't know why I questioned if he liked me or not. After that kiss, I just know-

"No, what makes you think I like you" my face and heart dropped. What? But- I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was about to cry. When I did, Nick instantly had a face of regret."I'm kidding!! Of course I'll be your boyfriend"He quickly started to wipe away my tears that had fallen"Please don't cry, I'm sorry" I looked up at him before giving him a small kiss

I hate his little pranks

"This isn't the first time you've seen me cry though"

"Still, it hurts baby"Baby. I'm his baby"You better get going before Maria kills you" I let out a groan as I leave his arms and open the car and get in"Drive safe and call me when you get home"

"Okay Nick"Before I could drive off, Nick reaches into the car and gives me another kiss. I'm never going to get used to that feeling"Goodnight Smokes"

"Goodnight chips"I smile at him before pulling out of the lot an drive away.

I drive for a bit before letting out a scream. "Oh my god! I have a boyfriend. Nick Faille is my boyfriend!" I yell out even if I'm the only on who can hear me.

This is unbelievable. Never would I have thought my life would be like this. It's like I don't have a worry in the world.

I get to a stop light. My phone dinged. I smile as I pick it up, thinking it's Nick

it wasn't

I see you got a new bestie and even a boyfriend. Let's hope you don't kill them too


Well, I always have that one worry


I was suppose to clean my room up but, you know, the book is kinda more important.

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