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Mag's POV

I unlock the door and walk right in.

It's currently 11 at night and I'm sneaking back in. The reason why is because after we ate, Nick took me to the over look. We stayed there and talked. For hours.  Conversations with him are endless.

I tried to slide in the topic of his gang but he would always avoid it. He told me to just trust him and wait but I want to know. I have to know.

Miles is still out there and he could come after me.

But anyway, when I told Maria that I was going to be off work early, she wanted me home by 9.

Seeing as it's 11 you can see my problem here right

So far I was able to close the door and guard it will bricks. So far, so good. I walk quietly to my room. Her bedroom door was closed so I assume that she is sleeping.

Get in my room, I slowly close the door and take my hand off the knob. I exhale.

I, for the first and last time, snuck in. Lowkey proud of myself

I flip on my light and almost have a heart attack just doing so"Hola"

Maria sat at my desk in her night gown and her hair in rollers. "Hi Maria, how's your night been"

"Oh you know, I went to the store and then came home and waiting for my daughter that I have raised since she was five to come home at the time I asked her too. But then she didn't show. As a matter of fact she showed up 2 hours later. So my night isn't going too well"

I put down my stuff"Maria, I'm so sorry. I don't know where the time went, we went out for dinner and then we went to the overlook and talked"

"This Nick character is starting to lean towards my bad side"

"Maria, he doesn't mean too. We honestly just lost track of time"

She stands up and walks over to me"You should be lucky that I'm glad that boy makes you happy. And that if needed he can protect you"

I feel the only reason Maria likes Nick is because I haven't  gotten that  many notes from Zach or any notes from him in that matter. I don't think he backed off all of a sudden, but instead he is planning something.

"Now, get to bed and make sure you are up early so that you can get ready for school" Maria kisses the side of my head and walks out of my room. 

I sit down at my desk and  start to take down my hair. I grabbed my brush when my phone rang.

"Hey smokes"

"Did you get in okay"

"yes and no" I let out a laugh as I start brush my hair.

"Did you get caught?"

"Kinda. She was waiting in my room for me" I start to take out my contacts. When I was done with that I got up and started to undress myself

"Ohh, I'm sorry, I don't want to ruin things between you and Maria"

"Trust me, you're not. She's happy that I have you in my life. You make it better" I chose a pair and pajama shorts are a tank top to sleep in. I walk back over to my desk and pick up my phone. I take it off of speaker"Besides, if you were to ruin things between Maria and I, I would be locked away for good, never to be seen again" I turn off my light and go lay down in bed

"I would find a way to see you again"I smile at that.

Is it bad that I like him. I mean I'm 16 and he turned 19 already. It's illegal. It could never happen for the next two years. Even if i wait till then to tell him how I feel, whose to say he won't been crushing on someone or maybe even dating someone then.

Nick is a mature older guy that is incredibly attractive and caring. Who wouldn't fall for him.

"Mags? You there?"

"Huh, oh yeah sorry, I'm just tired" I yawned. I actually was kinda of tired

"Sounds like someone has to go to sleep so they can get up and go to school tomorrow"

He always teases me about school. Which I don't understand because he is a senior in high school. "Would you stop that, it's starting to get annoying. And you also have school tomorrow"

"I mean yeah I do, but I never stay the full day. Why don't you just skip"

"Do you know who my adoptive mother is?"Maria would kill me if she found out I skipped class

"Such a good girl"I sigh out"Goodnight Mags"

"Good Nick" I hang up.

Should I skip tomorrow?

No, I kinda don't want to die


I feel like I have a lot of filler/random chapters in this book.

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