4:Janitor's Closet

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Mag's POV

I hate being the new kid. I mean the other day, my teacher hit on me and now I can't even walk down the hall to my locker without being stared at.

I want to try and put on a fake face and act like a bad girl to scare them all off. But my anxiety levels won't let that happen.

I walk past a group of guys, looking at the ground of course, and get to my locker. I put in my combo and then open it. To be honest I don't even know why I'm at my locker. I just wanted to look like I'm doing something other than being the new kid that walks around

"Hey"I look over and see one of the guys from the group"You're new right?"

I nod. I don't trust my self talking. Not because he's attractive, he really isn't, but because I'm scared that my anxiety will make me say something stupid.

"oh, well, just so you know, you have to go through something called 'janitor closet hazing'" What the frick"Basically, it's when me and the guys all take turns 'getting to know you' while the others record."

He must be dumb. Does he really think I'm going to fall for that? I've been here for about three days and I've been asked to hook up by a teacher and a group of guys.

When I get home, I'm begging Maria to let me go back to online school


"Meet us in that janitors closet"He points to the one down the hallway from my locker "At the start of lunch. we will be waiting there, prepared and ready" Him and his friends walk off as the bell rang.

It's now 4th period, the last period before lunch.  Great


"Now, it has been brought to my attention that I have a new student in my class" Oh no. Please no."I would like you to pay attention to them as they tell us a bit about themselves"

Okay just calm down. Think about what you're going to say. Um, what do I say.

Hi, I'm mags and my favorite color is yellow. And that's about it

 No, then I sound lame. Maybe I could say-"Sarah Lin, would you please tell us about yourself"I watch as a girl stands up.

He wasn't talking about me.


I ended zoning out and before I knew it, class was over. I get out of class and head down the hall to my locker. On the way there I passed the janitor's closet. They are all in there, waiting for me. I put in my combo and open up my locker. I grab my lunch and a water bottle.

Closing my locker I stop a teacher who was walking by me"Excuse me, but I heard that some boys are smoking in that janitor's closet"

"Oh, well thank you for telling me"He started walking in the direction of the closet. Boy is he going to be surprised


"You're everything?! You met least than 24 hours ago. How are you guys already dating?!" I found this random book on one of Maria's bookshelves. Let me tell you, I'm not even 12 pages in and the main characters are moving fast.

I never understood why some authors do that. Like it makes no sense to move so quickly in the beginning.(yeah, what author would have the two main character move so fast. Not me, totally no me :[)

I close the book and get up from my bed. I take my hair out of it bun and sit down at my desk. Grabbing my comb, I comb out it's knots and tangles.

I always hated combing my hair, I like to believe that is the reason why it's so sensitive.

I continue combing out my hair when I heard a knock on my door"Yes?"

"Mags?" I hummed in response. I didn't hear anything after that. I put down the comb and turn around, but no one is there.

"Maria?" I call out as I slowly get up. I walk to my door but don't see her anywhere. "Mari-"

"I'm going to kill you!"

 I jump up breathing heavily and gasping for air.

It's just a nightmare Mags

It's just a nightmare


Sorry for the short chapter and also I'm sorry for how random this chapter is too

Also, I couldn't help but roast myself in it.

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