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After sorting all the things that happened to him,Naruto come up with the only solution,to avoid them at all cost.At least he’s familiar with their faces already.Hearing the bell for the next period,he started walking towards their classroom.


Naruto turned around to see the owner of the voice calling him but a flying notebook greeted him instead which made him fall into the ground.

“You idiot! ,I heard you were messing with the K.N.I.G.H.T.S in the cafeteria a while ago huh?”

Sakura scolded him while grabbing his tie.

“What did you do?You idiot!”

“Hey Bes,chill,I’m fine” He smiled despite Sakura’s torture and then explained everything to her which gained him another punch from her and an endless scolding.

When their teacher arrived,they just watched some videos the whole period and were told to write a reaction paper afterwards.Their class lasted for four hours since it was laboratory and when they were dismissed,Naruto immediately went to his part time job.He was a waiter on a famous ice cream shop, “The Scoop”.

Arriving there,he went to the dressing room and put on his uniform.When he was ready and was already picking up some tray,he was amazed to see the huge crowd of customers right before him.

“Hey what’s going on here?” Naruto asked one of his co-workers.

“When that guy over there appeared,customers just came swarming in”

Naruto’s heart almost stop when he saw the guy that his co-worker is referring to.It’s Sasuke.And when their eyes met,he started feeling chills all over his body. “He’s gonna kill me”,he thought.

“Hey you!,over here!” Sasuke called out to him which made him sweat all over.

Naruto was trembling as he took every step towards him.When he arrived at his table,Sasuke grabbed his arm and smirked at him.

“He’s really gonna kill me”Naruto continuously tells himself.

“One vanilla topped with caramel and chocolate flavored ice cream please” Sasuke smiled, which surprised Naruto and made him froze for a while.

“Are you deaf Mr. Waiter?,he said One vanilla topped with caramel and chocolate flavored ice cream!” Sasuke’s companion complained which brought Naruto back to reality.

“One vanilla topped with caramel and chocolate flavored ice cream,comin’ right up,Maam,Sir”

Naruto immediately brought back their order and it seemed like Sasuke was having a great time.Maybe it was just him exaggerating things.Maybe Sasuke just came to enjoy some ice cream.He was so relieved.

It’s been a while and after a few minutes,Sasuke and his companion went out of the shop.Naruto is now busy gathering some boxes at the back door and while piling up those boxes

“So,you work here huh?”

As Naruto recognized that voice, his hand immediately grabbed the wood beside him and pointed it to Sasuke which is a few distance from him.

“If you try to beat me up,I wont just stand here without a fight”Naruto said fiercely but Sasuke just laughed at him.

“I doubt,you could handle it” Sasuke smirked as he took a step towards him which made the latter took some step backwards.

“I’m sorry okay!” “I’m sorry!” he shouted which made Sasuke pause for a while then burst out laughing.

“You’re a weird one..Haha!Hahaha!”

“At least I’m not like you,You idiot Prince” Naruto shouted for he was so pissed that Sasuke took his apology lightly.

But those words of his changed Sasuke’s mood that he stopped laughing and in an instant he crossed the gap between them.

“What did you just call me?”

Anger was reflected on Sasuke’s eyes,and Naruto can see his fist ready to land on his face.

“I,I…” “Sasuke I…….”


He shouted as his feet slipped unto something and with a distracted pace,he accidentally grabbed Sasuke’s tie and as they both fell into the ground,accidentally they kissed.

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