Gavin's mistake

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Wendsay @6:30 a.m I woke up late so I had not time to get in the shower so I rush into the bathroom clean my face and rush back into my room and settled on a crop top that said #selfie and some short Jean shorts and some black vans then I hurried up ran out the door and I relized I forgot to brush my teeth pulled back in the drive way and put my car and park and rushed back in and brushed my teeth...."i could already tell I was ganna have a bad day today" I thought to myself when I finally got to school I ran inside and found my locker and put everything in my locker and I seen gavin with this girl named Alexis so I walk over to him and I say "ummm babe what are you doing" and that's when he said "oh I was just saying hi to this new girl that came" so I walked off and he tried to catch up to me and couldn't because I walked into the ladies room so he waited till I came out... he said "babe it's not what it looks like" "whatever gavin Idc anymore" and then I walked off so all I was thinking about all math class was him and that Alexis chick..... so after science it was time for lunch great now he can sit by me and try and talk to me.... all lunch I had my head down until finally gavin said babe so I looked up and there he was he gently grabbed my fave and started making out with me and he kinda bit my lip but I liked it just a little..... and so that made up for the whole thing then the day was over so I went home and did my homework....

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