Chapter 1: The Big Suprise

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I yawned pushing my purple bedspread off of my body, I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes expecting my clock to read 7:30 am but to my surprise it said 8:30 am!

I sprung to my feet "shit, shit, shit, shit" I muttered rushing out of my room and towards the bathroom, in my frenzy to get to the bathroom I managed to run right into my curly haired 18 year old brother "BRAYDEN MOVE IM LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I yelled pushing his tall frame out of the way and continued rushing down the hallway "Lux relax! I told mom you don't have school today" Brayden laughed causing his eyes to crinkle. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to face him "Why would you do that?!" I asked obviously looking very confused because he laughed "So that you could help me get ready to drive 5 hours from here to Seattle" Brayden said giving me his obvious 'I'm hiding something from you' look "what's going on..." I asked narrowing my lilac eyes suspiciously, Brayden smiled slyly

"Close your eyes" Brayden said
"But Bra-"

I closed my eyes impatiently "This better not be a prank" I muttered as I heard him shuffling around in front of me. I opened my eye slightly peering through my eyelashes hoping to catch a glimpse of something until he turned around.

"Open your eyes"

I opened my eyes and all I saw were two badges for PAX Prime "w-what are these" I stuttered "Shayla is outside waiting for us" Brayden said with a smirk my shock obviously amusing him "Wait... Mom actually said I can go?!" I said my almond shaped eyes wide

"That's the thing..." Brayden said
"You haven't asked her yet" I finished shaking my head
"Now is as good a time as ever?..." Brayden said scratching the back of his neck
"And if worse comes to worse you can just hop in my car last minute with the bags I pre-packed for you and we will accidentally drive away, she can't control that"Brayden said making quotation marks with his fingers when he said 'accidentally'
I smiled "I like the way you think" I said as I ran down the stairs to talk to my mother.

I entered the kitchen (read: which is where I usually find my mother) and sat down on one of the bar stools at the island
"Mom?" I said sweetly
"No you can not go to PAX Prime with Brayden" my mother said bluntly
My heart sank the moment she said those words "b-but he got me a badge and every thing!" I begged
"No means no Lux." My mother said her tone sharp
"Why do you hate me?" I huffed my eyes narrowed
"I don't hate you Lux, it's for your own good, YouTube changed you." My mother said as she took out a knife and began cutting a green apple
"It changed me? Yeah! I know, it taught me not to be a push over like you!" I pointed angrily
My mother stopped, put the knife down and turned to me her face red with rage "you take that back young lady!" My mother yelled
"It's only the truth!" I retorted
"Why do you have to be so much like your father!" My mother yelled, right as she said it I saw the regret in her eyes
I stared at her tears filling my lilac eyes, she reached across the island and tried to grab my pale hand but I pulled it away "I-I... Can't believe you said that" I whispered before getting up and running toward the stairs
"Lux" Brayden whispered grabbing my arm before I reached the first step
"What" I sniffed
"Your bags are in the car" He said opening the front door "lets go"he whispered, I grabbed my denim jacket from the coat hook and walked outside Brayden right behind me "everything will be alright Luxy, I promise" Brayden said as I climbed into the car, he shut the door behind me and got in the drivers seat. He ran a hand through his brown hair "everyone ready for PAX Prime?!" He shouted "HELL YA!" Shayla yelled

Shayla's wavy brown hair flew over her shoulder as she quickly turned around from the passenger seat to face me her green eyes basically shouting 'I'm excited!' "PAX Prime?" She asked flashing her perfect white teeth "PAX Prime." I whispered smiling back at her.

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