August has finally arrived and it my special day in two days from now. I'm turning 19 and I am surprisingly not happy about it. When I was 8 years-old, I went through something parents pray for their children not go through. I was raped by my uncle for 4 months. That's why I'm so into sex and I'm called a "hoe". I personally don't care what people say about me. That's one thing I've learnt.
My friends and role model, Aphiwe , who is the same age as me, are all obsessing about my birthday and how best to celebrate it. Most of my friends are in varsity but also some of them are also repeating with me. Avani is repeating too. Yeyi!!. " Haibo girl! Why aren't you having a bash this year?" my voice breaths carelessness as I a throw the words;" I'm too old for parties guys please stop." They go numb, as usual and I proceed to flash out my new phone, the I phone 20 s that Mr X bought for me. Its during break and we're obviously not allowed to use our phones during school but being my bitchy self , I flash it out.
All of them scream and circle around me and my phone. My friends are mad so I'm not that surprised at this reaction. Avani, thee bitch, passes and glances at what the buzz is all about and she then exclaims ;"Tura!" in her most coconut accent. I rush to the toilet and the rest of my squad encircles her fucks with her wings, the Jesus sister wings, and scatter like mice to the toilet . Tura arrives and Avani is escorted to his office, drenched in pools of tears.
Aphiwe runs to the toilet and finds me pacing and talking to myself. Aphiwe has the body, the beauty and the intelligence. She is a wrecking ball of fire. She is a proud city girl and no one can tell her what to do. She is everything that I want to be. " Heeh ntombi! Chill out. Miss Jesus is in Turas offce and you know how to deal with teachers who put you on discipline. You know. Chill. The bell has rung now lets go to Miss hoe( our maths teacher) and bear her for the next hour." Miss hoe is not her real name. Her name is Lape .Miss Lape. She knows about what Aphiwe and I do to get ourselves on the teachers side. Shes seen us do it more than once but we threatened her. She got a job as a teacher in one of the best schools in South Africa (PineWood),through sleeping with Tura. By the way, he didn't ask her, she forced him.
We enter into her class 30 minutes late and it's a Thursday . The time is 11:10am and class started at 11:00am. We enter and the class and make as if mam isn't even present in the class. " Heeh hai guys! They think they own the maths class. Failures!" is the utterances made as the class grins quietly and you think Miss hoe said that. Nope. Avani thee bitch said it. I've had just about enough of her shade. "Avani. Tell the class how many times you slept with Tura..."the class turns upside down as she squeezes her eyes to collect tears and her lips run dry because she cant believe that I know she does. Avani, thee baby, runs out with her bag and the class asks if she really is the angle she calls herself.
The Script
Teen Fictionthis is a poem based on a story that is yet to be published in due time called "The Script" . It is about a 19-year old grl who is repeating matriculant at a former model-C school and is faced with a number of challenges from fake friends, to enemie...