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-"People will stab you in the back and ask why you are bleeding,"-


TRIGGER WARNING! : Attempted sexual assault.

Luca arrived at the penthouse, pouring himself a drink from the decanter before he joined Midnight and Alexei at the stakeout.

He put an ice cube in the glass and poured the whiskey, brows furrowing when he noticed a faint smell of cinnamon.

As he raised the glass to his lips, he drank it in gulps. As he put the glass back down on the counter, he couldn't help but notice something wasn't right about the drink.

The ice wasn't floating.

Smelling the liquid again, the smell of cinnamon invaded his nose again.

His eyes went wide in realization but it was too late.

You never expect it to be in your own home...

Numbness hit his body like a ton of bricks. Grunting, he reached for his gun in his waistband and turned around in a fast movement. Too fast.

His vision was reduced to a pinhole of light as he struggled to keep himself upright from the dizziness. It was like something was pushing his shoulders down, bringing him to his knees.

Gripping the gun tight he took deep breaths to remind himself to keep breathing. Sweat trickled down his neck as his body began to shake. Just then, the sound of heels clicking against the tiles caught his attention.

He looked up slowly through heavy eyes, jaw clenching as he lost the feeling of his limbs. His body began to shake involuntarily as he grew dizzy once again. His breathing came out shallow and weaker. He couldn't feel his own hands.

Ketamine? Rohypnol? GHB? A mix of them?

But none of those worked this fast.

He raised the gun, forcing himself to defend himself.

The woman knelt in front of him, allowing him to see the face of his attacker.


Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Bianca shrugged the gun out of his hand. He couldn't speak as his arm fell as he gritted his teeth together and reminded himself to breathe again.

Her lip curved into a smile as she eyed him up and down, seductively.

Bianca rolled him over on his back. He was immobile and barely awake, focusing all of his energy on breathing. Fighting back would be futile and useless now. With the drug in his system and the gun across the room, Bianca had the mind to overpower him.

When it was over, he would kill her.

His mind faded away as Bianca straddled his hips. Gritting his teeth, he struggled for air as he fought the urge to close his eyes.

Keep them open.


His chest heaved. His lungs burned. His head felt heavy.


Keep your eyes open for her.

He felt himself starting to disassociate. Losing feeling all around him, he barely noticed when Bianca had started to unbuckle his belt.


Fucking fight.

He couldn't.

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