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-"Long live the King."-


The sky was on fire.

But I didn't have fear...for all I could do was admire...

A part of my soul wanted it to kiss me in its embers...burn me bright

I wished so strong that I could see an angel appear...halo so white...

The blazing specks of the inferno rained down on her like prayers

I saw her as the one who could bear my darkness in a passionate affair

But she was too heavenly for the dying flesh that had given up on me...

She had caused the flames and commanded it to drown me like the sea.

No one expected an angel to set the world ablaze...

My eyes have slaved to hers, I ignored her treachery and gazed.

I would never look upon something so delicate.

The sky was on fire and I never have loved something more.


This side of my skin

This side is flawed and troubled

Do not fear for the different side is more humbled.

Red and taut it shows my suffering

Yet your love is smothering

I do not understand why you adore this side of my skin rather than the less-imperfect.

Your judgment is impaired and still, you remain determined.

You do not see my faults the way I do, you do not feel my pain but yet you care deeply...

You gaze upon my devil's horns that you believe is a bright halo. You refuse to show your admiration discreetly

I have set the world on fire yet you still see me as an angel but I am a devil of evil's creation.

This side of my skin is treacherous...


With each second, their hearts began to beat louder. With each breath, the harder it became to keep their palms from sweating. Except for Luca, he felt as if this was the moment he had been waiting for since he realized the truth.

They feared for their lives and sanity if this continued.

If the King needed help...then all of them would be damned.

This was the moment the Italians had been waiting when they first came to New York eight and a half months ago. However, this was a completely different situation than they first imagined with a wholly different motive.

This time they had no intention of betraying the Mafia and taking their power. This time they were true to their beliefs and with what they wanted.

What they wanted was for all of this to end.

To finally be at peace.

To finally grieve properly.

They just wanted to rest...

But the calm was over now.

A monstrous storm now clouded over their heads, dangling daggers over their heads and raining down bullets.

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