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-"Your hands are scarred from murder, and yet I trust them completely."-


A slow-burn terror rang in their heads and diffused into the air.

He couldn't help but think: Did his Donna do all that?

On cue, the elevator made a ding sound that interrupted Luca's, Antonio's, and Matteo's wave of shock.

Images of that day came into Blade's mind as he remembered the burning of his eyes as the blood orange flames burned the bodies, turning the gory bodies into nothing but a pile of ash.

They reached a floor that was unknown to them. Only after a few seconds did they realize that this was an underground floor that was restricted and crowded with men with guns and guards.

They all ran to the huge metal door that was at the end of the dark hall. Matteo hesitated at first because he didn't see Ida anywhere in sight.

He shook his head because it was impossible for a person to run down 120 flights of stairs in 1 minute.

They opened the huge metal door that led into a room that you would see at a police station. It was a dark room that had a window a man that was chained up against a wall. There was no doubt that the window was a 2-way mirror.

In the room, a very well-built man was blocking the door where you would enter the room where Midnight was.

Ida was also arguing with the man. All eyes bulged at Ida at the question of how she got down before them if she took the stairs.

"I slid down the railings now stop looking at me like that," Ida scowled. Matteo smirked and wondered how she could get any more perfect.

Blade and Oscar walked up to the man and glared at him.

"Now open the door, Mathew!" Ida growled lowly. The man shrugged.

"No can do little red. Midnight's order and I don't want to die today, thank you very much," The guy that was named Mathew retorted. Luca recognized him as the man who guarded the entrance to the arena the first time he saw Midnight fight.

"Let it go, Ida. He's always been a kiss up to Midnight anyways," Oscar rolled his eyes. Mathew was just about to say something before the rattling of chains was heard.

Everyone turned to look in the glass.

A man that looked to be the same age as them, sat in chains. They were rusted and the sharp spikes on the inside of them dug into his wrists making blood trickle down his arms that hung over his head. He stood on his feet but his body still slouched.

The room was dark, and the only thing that lit it was the bright red light that hung above him. Concrete walls made it cold to the touch. The room had old stains of blood and had a stench of death.

On the far right was a wooden box that was concealed in the darkness. Besides that, the room was utterly empty.

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In the shadows, another figure lurked.

Like a nightmare ready to kill you in your sleep. Her essence...so lethal...so destructive...yet so deadly calm.

The man had not woken up yet but she was just waiting in the corner and stared at him as she held a cigarette to her mouth.

The rattling of chains became more prominent and it wasn't long before his eyes snapped open.

He hissed in pain at the rusted chains that were still stronger than him, making the shadow smirk in satisfaction.

He looked all over the room until his gaze fell upon a devilish figure in the adumbrations.

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