twenty three - i love you

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the sound of nini's alarm woke her up at 6am. she usually woke up with closing her eyes again or groaning until she's tired, but today is definitely different. she opened her eyes and her lips curled into a wide smile.

date day

she chuckled lightly and tried to get off from her bed. she did her usual morning routine which includes showers and breakfast. she was definitely waiting for this day but at the same time she also didn't want the day to be over fast.

"i know you're excited about your date but don't let your omelette get cold, honey." jamie interrupted her thoughts

"right, sorry." she said and continued her breakfast

"i'm guessing our kids are going to be very happy spending their day and i expect you two telling us all the details." natalie stated

"i am so looking forward to what you planned on your date with gina, actually." nini said white eating her omelette, "she's been non-stop texting me how nervous she is."

ej shrugged it off "eh, she shouldn't be. it won't be that special."

"yeah, but to her, it probably is."

"look at our children, honey. being in love. ah, it's amazing." jamie said in awe

"dad," ej groaned lightly, "don't say you're about to tell us for the millionth time yours and mom's love story."

"well, it all started...."

"MOM!" ej and nini yelled at them

"i'm gonna be sick." nini said in disgusted voice

"mhm." ej hummed in agreement and looked at her plate, "hey, your breakfast is done. we should leave before mom and dad tells everything."

nini quickly stood up, "i so agree with you."

jamie and natalie just laughed at their children for being disgusted in their love story. they realized that this is all they've wanted, to see their children getting alone and they're glad enough it happened already.

"how about you, though? are you nervous?" ej asked while stepping on the stairs with nini

"i wasn't, but then i realized that i'm actually nervous." she trailed off, "i'm taking him to the cemetary today."

ej was surprised, "now that's a big one."

"i know." she huffed

"don't worry, you're gonna love everything ricky planned for you today."

nini glanced at him, "did you know something that i don't?"

ej responded with a smirk, "better go!"

"ej!" she tried to chase ej but he quickly lock himself in his bedroom

she tried to brush it off and went inside her room. as she was about to get ready, she got a notification from her phone

 as she was about to get ready, she got a notification from her phone

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