part 12

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Geno's pov

As I was walking around, cause I can, someone yelled, "Watch out!" I turned to see what was going on, I realized he was shouting at me! Well, shit. He was on a skateboard and was unable to turn in time. He crashed into me.

"Owwwww . . ." I moaned as I tried to get up.

"Oh my God, are you alright, bros-?"

Yeah, I'm fine," I responded as I tried to get up. I think I hurt my leg. I looked down. Scratch what I said earlier, I fractured my leg.

I saw someone else run towards me and the other guy. "What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing horrible, we just crashed. No harm done." I replied. Suddenly I was picked up and moved to the grass.

"Doesn't look like 'no harm done'."

I tried getting up, but the two guys held me down.

"What's yer name?" One of them asked.

I looked up at them. One looked almost exactly like Error except he had blue lines running down his face and he wasn't wearing glasses, and the other one seemed upset, probably because he accidentally crashed into me.

I muttered my name, but they didn't hear.

I was about to answer when I heard,"mama!"

I turned and Goth was by my side, with Reaper following. "You alright, Geno?"

"I'm fi-"

"I accidentally crashed into her while riding my skateboard." He turned his head, "Hey, be careful!"

The one with blue lines on his face walked over to Goth, who was on top of the skateboard. He handed her to me.

He looked at me and gasped quietly.


This got the others attention. "Ummm . . . Yes . . . ?"

He knelt down in front of me, "It's me, E-" Goth randomly grabed his scarf. "Really?"


Reaper chuckled.

Stripey (why me) hugged me and started . . . glitching?

Reaper looked extremely confused. I was too, but I hugged back.

Upsetty Spaghetti (lol I can't!🤣) randomly placed a pair of sunglasses on my face, and Reaper burst out laughing. There was something written on the glasses, but I couldn't tell what it said. Then they changed and said something else. What the hell?

I was about to take the glasses of when someone did it for me. Goth. Why was I not surprised?

Stripey and Upsetty Spaghetti looked at me, then it clicked. "Error?! Fresh?!"

They nodded and hugged me Reaper and Goth joining in. Error pulled away so he could heal me. I was with my whole family. And I was content.

Dream POV

As me and Ink was trying to come up with names for the baby, someone knocked. Ink went to answer it.

"Umm. Hi? What do you need?"

The person said something, but I couldn't hear.

"'kay, she's on the couch."

"Thank you"

"What about James?" Blueberry suggested for the name.


I felt someone tap my head, but I didn't see anyone, but Ink was chuckling.

"BWAAA!!!" Someone jumped out from behind the couch scaring the crap outta me, causing me to fall. The three were DIEING of laughter. Someone helped me up.

I turned to see . . .
















He was in his passive form. "Hey."

"Umm . . . hi . . .?"

"I need to talk to you. C'mon, let's go to the park."

"Kay." I turned to the other two. "I'll be back. See ya."

"Bye . . . ?"

Time skip

Me and Nightmare were sitting on the bench at the park.



"I love you."

I paused, "R-realy? I-I thought you hated me." We both got up.

He pulled me in for a hug. "Not anymore, Dream. Remember what we were talking about when we were by our tree about me going good and disbanding the Six-tale Alliance?" I nodded.

He smiled and pulled out ajar from the backpack he had on. He handed the jar. I gasped. It was the goop from his corrupted form.

He smiled bigger as I handed him back the jar. He summoned his soul. I wasn't corrupted anymore.

"I'm back, Dream, and not going back."

I had a huge smile on my face. "Nightmare!" I tackle-hugged him.

We sat back down and enjoyed each others company.

"Nightmare, guess what?"


"Your gonna be an uncle."

"Cool . . . WAIT, WHAT?!?"

I smiled and moved my shirt a little and showed him my echo-belly and the tiny soul.

He smiled and asked who the father is.

"Ink." I replied.

He smirked, "Heat?"


We went back to the house and all four of us hung out. I was content.

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