1. Awestruck

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Years were passing by, it was third year of college - a graduation year. Everyone was confused about what to choose for their specialization. Students were weighing the specializations based on its importance and their interest in that area. Aarya and Yash also had to decide their specialization and though there were lots of differences between them, both had their eyes set for the same field. Both opted for same specialisation - Marketing and that’s where Yash noticed Aarya for the first time.

Aarya was very passionate about Marketing field and was always ready for debates and all other professional games that goes on in the class. She would always stand tall to give her answers and prove her points. On the other side, Yash was little shy to confront the class. He was afraid of being judged by other students, so he would just sit silently and steal eyes from the professor.

One day, a debate was going on in the classroom and Aarya was sitting at the very next bench from Yash’s. He never liked to participate in any debate, he would rather listen everyone debating. And that day too he was just sitting quietly and observing everyone who were putting their points in front of the class. Amidst the debate, Aarya got up to present her point too and Yash couldn’t help but notice how she spoke, her way of presenting, her hand movements, everything. He felt like he could listen to her all day long without getting tired. It made a unique image of her in his mind. This aura of Aarya stole his attention, but he was not attracted to her yet. She was just his classmate and nothing else.

Soon, fourth year began with lots of presentations and assignments. There was hardly any time to relax. Aarya was always in stress. She wanted everything to be perfect and wanted to make each presentation better than the previous one. Yash on the other hand was happy go lucky kind of guy. He took presentations seriously but would not stress too much about it. He was not one of those who stresses over little things.

Because of the tight schedules and exams, college became a little boring for Yash. He would just listen to the teachers babbling on about some topics, jot down few notes and then go home. This had basically become his routine, but one day he found something interesting, someone to be particular.

Yash was jotting down notes like always, but he got frustrated and decided to look around the classroom for some source of entertainment. While glancing around the room, his eyes got stuck on Aarya. And the reason behind it was her new short haircut. He was unable to take his eyes off of her. It was like other people in the room had just disappeared and only she was there. He was awestruck by how she looked in the new haircut. He could not believe that this girl was studying in his class this entire time.

From that day on, he used to notice her every day. He would never miss an opportunity to steal a glance at her. And every time he did that, he would be mesmerised by the sight. This thing continued for over a week, but then he was back to being his normal self again. He soon got occupied in his studies.

The presentation and assignment took over and kept him busy and the existence of Aarya again did not matter that much. But secretly a spark took place in his mind and he was always searching for a perfect opportunity to talk to her. He came across many opportunities too, but he was just too shy to approach her and lost all opportunities.



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