Jesy's Helping Hand (Jerrie & Lesy)

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- This one shot is not connected to any other One Shots/chapters/stories that I have written earlier.

- Jerrie & Lesy are together.


"I really don't understand why it's not working, Jesy... I have tried everything but it just isn't working so we really need your help" Jade concludes her explanation while looking at her older bandmate with hopeful eyes.

Perrie, her girlfriend, is standing right next to her with a very uneasy expression on her face. They have come over to the apartment that Leigh-Anne and Jesy share for help and advice. When Perrie kept misbehaving, Jade decided to take Jesy's advice on spanking her girlfriend since nothing else was working and Perrie used to get spanked frequently when she was younger. Perrie agreed to Jade spanking her if she acted out again. That didn't take long but the spanking she got from Jade did for some unkown reason not seem to be enough to keep her in line because she kept behaving badly, even after getting spanked a few times. Unfortunately Perrie's behaviour has still not improved at all and today was the last straw. Jade had asked Perrie to clean the kitchen a few weeks ago but she kept procrastinating it and did not help in the household at all. Eventually Jade decided to clean the kitchen herself and she asked Perrie to take care of the laundry instead. But Perrie refused and she has procrastinated it for so long that Jade does not even have any clean clothes to wear anymore! Perrie is a very sweet and wonderful girlfriend but she does not take her responsibility around the house seriously at all which leaves Jade to deal with everything by herself and that is just not fair. Jade has had enough of this! That's why she took her girlfriend to Jesy, who has been spanked pretty often during her youth as well and because of that can hopefully figure out what she is doing wrong...

Jesy thoughtfully looks at the younger couple that's standing in front of her. "So you spanked Perrie but that didn't have any effect at all because she just kept misbehaving?"

Jade nods in confirmation and crosses her arms in frustration. "Yes, exactly! When she didn't take her responsibility with the household tasks we decided that she would do, I have spanked her. Afterwards she apologised and promised to do better. Of course I forgave her but I warned her that I would spank her again if she didn't pull in her weight from now on. Instead of getting her chores over with, like I hoped she would, she didn't do them once again and that's when I had enough of this and got her over here to sort this out for once and for all!"

"Hmm... Sounds to me like the spanking you gave her did not make much impact... Can you show me how you spanked her exactly?" Jesy asks from where she is sitting on the couch in her living room.

Perrie blushes feverishly. Getting spanked is bad enough but being watched while she is getting spanked is even worse...

"Of course!" Before Perrie has a chance to protest, Jade has gone to sit down next to Jesy on the couch and expectantly pats her lap. "Come here, Pez"

Perrie gulps nervously but she complies anyway. She really does not want Jesy to find out the reason why she kept misbehaving so she decides to act all innocent and for that she has to cooperate.

As soon as her girlfriend is laying in position over her lap, Jade starts spanking her in the same way as she has done earlier. Jesy's eyes widen in surprise when she sees the treatment that Jade is giving Perrie. She's not sure if she can call this a 'spanking'... Jade is smacking Perrie's clothed bottom so gently that it's more patting than spanking.

Perrie presses her face in the couch in order to hide it from Jesy, she knows exactly what Jesy is thinking and that scares her!

"Alright, I get the idea so you can stop. I think I know what the problem is already. Please let her up so that I can show you"

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