Because I Love You

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If you have any requests for a One Shot, please read the A/N at the end of this chapter! :) 
I do not write smut though but apart from that you can suggest whatever you like as long as it includes Little Mix and spanking! 


Perrie from Little Mix, the most successful girl group on the globe, is frowning in concern and frustration while a cab drives her and her lover home. They've just visited the hospital to get Jade's ankle wrapped up in tape. Again... 

While staring out of the car window, Perrie is still trying to process what just happened and thinking about what she'll have to do about this. She loves Jade with all her heart and just because she loves her so much, she has to make sure that something will change. 

After Jade sprained her ankle during a dance rehearsal about a month ago as a result of her training way too much and over-exerting herself, she had to rest. Unfortunately, she did everything but that and that caused her ankle to recover at an extremely slow pace. When it finally had recovered somewhat, Jade insisted on dancing again even though the doctor explicitely advised her to wait with that. Jade had not listened and danced anyway which resulted in her spraining her ankle again because her ankle was just not ready to be used so fast after the injury.

What's worst about this whole situation is that Jade still doesn't seem to be planning on resting. Perrie knows that she needs to step in before Jade really takes it too far and permanently damages her ankle. It's time to carry out her threat on what she would do if Jade wouldn't rest and hurt her ankle again but she doesn't know if she'll be capable of actually doing that... Just when she's making up her mind about that, Jade disturbs her thoughts.

"I-I'm sorry, Pez... You know I didn't mean for this to happen, right?" Jade had been shamefully looking down but she now nervously looks up at her girlfriend, her eyes holding tears.

Perrie turns around to face Jade and is about to snap but she stops herself when she sees her girlfriend's watering eyes. Jade is feverishly trying to blink her tears away but she still starts crying softly. That gets Perrie's anger to fade to the background and to soften up, she can't bear seeing her like this.

"I know..." Perrie sighs as she reaches out to carefully take hold of Jade's hurt ankle and rest it on her lap. She starts stroking it there very gently in a reassuring gesture. 

"I know, babe... I know you're sorry and why this happened. You're very dedicated to your work and that's admirable. But I also know that you can't continue like this, you've taken things too far once again and you know that too, don't you?" 

The strict yet loving tone of her girlfriend gets Jade to whimper. Of course Jade knows that she was wrong when she continued dancing on her injured ankle and totally ignored the doctor's advice by doing that but she just couldn't help herself. Doing well is very important to her and despite Perrie telling her a thousand times that her health is way more important than practising the dance routine with Leigh-Anne and Jesy backing her up, Jade still felt as if she would let the girls and all their loyal Mixers down by waiting with dancing until her ankle was recovered so she kept practising.

Although Perrie is handling her ankle really gently, Jade can tell that there has changed something in her lover, she seems more determined. What if she carries out her threat? No, she wouldn't do that. Jade is, just like the other LM girls, entirely convinced that Perrie is way too soft to punish her in the way she said she would if Jade would neglect her health one more time. 

"Jade, I asked you a question" Perrie presses firmly, snapping the other girl out of her thoughts.

"Y-yeah... I know that..." Jade admits, trying to avoid Perrie's disappointed look by staring down and nervously fumbling with the strings of her comfy hoodie that she was wearing to the dance rehearsal. She is a bit taken a back by Perrie's firm words.

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