Jesy's First Spanking (Lesy & Jerrie)

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- This book is not connected to any other One Shots/chapters/stories that I have written earlier.
- Lesy & Jerrie are together.


It's been a few weeks since Little Mix's behaviour has gotten a little out of hand and the girls have come to a very special agreement to solve this issue. Leigh-Anne and Perrie have grown up with spanking and suggested that from now on, in order to be the best girl band they can possibly be, they have to start working harder and stop messing around all the time. In order to accomplish that, they decided that they would spank each other if one of them got out of hand. Since the other girls agreed to this deal a few weeks ago, Jade has gotten her very first spanking from Perrie and Perrie has also been spanked by Jade a few times. Leigh-Anne has miraculously managed to stay out of trouble but Jesy, on the other hand, has never been spanked before and she doesn't seem to think much of it because she keeps misbehaving.

Jesy is fully convinced that a spanking won't hurt her much. In her opinion, it only hurts Jade, Perrie and Leigh-Anne because they are a lot more sensitive than her. A spanking can't be that bad, right? Sure they are exaggerating! So, she keeps acting out, completely carefree.

Leigh-Anne, who can't believe that her girlfriend is not worried about possibly getting spanked at all, is constantly trying to keep Jesy in line and has warned her multiple times that she might be underestimating how much a spanking hurts. All her efforts don't pay off though, if anything, Jesy's behaviour only gets worse. She's not afraid to break the rules which the girls have agreed on together even though they are in her best interests! It's only because Leigh-Anne doesn't have the heart to punish her and because of that lets her girlfriend off the hook every single time that Jesy has not gotten punished yet.

But today, that's gonna change. Jesy seems to think that she can do anything she likes and her behaviour is getting more and more out of hand. Jesy constantly causing trouble is even affecting Little Mix as a band and not in a good way, it has lead to a lot of problems and even though they were able to deal with the consequences of Jesy's actions so far, this can't continue like this or the band will be seriously disadvantaged! Leigh-Anne has realised that it's time to step in. As much as she wishes it wouldn't be necessary, it has come to the point that she will have to punish her beloved girlfriend for the very first time...

Yesterday, Jesy has pressed her luck and misbehaved one too many times: she was plainly drunk during an important interview and disrupted the whole thing by being very obnoxious. On top of that she also offended the interviewer in her drunken state and to make matters even worse, it's not the first time that something like this happened because lately there hasn't been one interview in which she wasn't late, swearing up a storm or distracted with insignificant other stuff. No one wants to put up with this kind of behaviour forever so there has to change something: she needs to realise her mistake and find out the consequences of her actions. In other words, she needs to be punished. Leigh-Anne knows that this actually should've happened a long time ago because there have been a lot of things that her girlfriend has done that justify a spanking but she never got herself to actually punish her Jesy. Until today, that is, because Leigh-Anne has realised that if Jesy continues like this, the results of her constant misbehaving may be way more disastrous for her than a spanking ever could be... The rejection of important influencers, which is inevitable if she goes on like this, will undoubtedly do more damage than a spanking ever could. Of course Leigh-Anne doesn't want that for her girlfriend so no matter how hard it will be, she is determined to finally get through to Jesy and actually punish her today.

So, after Jesy has sobered up and is recovered a bit from her tremendous hangover, Leigh-Anne sits her down in the livingroom to have a serious chat.

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