Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 33

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Ash: So what do you want to talk about?

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Ash: So what do you want to talk about?

Meowth: What room are you staying in at the dorm building?

Ash: Why do you want to know?

Meowth: So I help sneak you and Pikachu out without anyone noticing when we go to rescue Jessie and James.

Ash: I see. I should tell you where Leorio and Kurapika are staying too, since they are coming with us.

Meowth: Of course, you would want to bring your Twerp Brigade with you.

Ash: If Overhaul is as dangerous as you and Gon described, we're going to need as much help as we can get.

Meowth: You make a good point.

Ash: Thanks. So we're stay...

Recovery Girl walks into the office.

Recovery Girl: Alright, visiting hours are over. You need to leave.

Ash: Alright, I guess I'll see you whenever I'm allowed to visit again.

Recovery Girl: Visiting hours are every afternoon, unless a patient needs immediate treatment.

Ash: I guess I'll be back tomorrow then. See you later Meowth.

Pikachu: Pika.

Meowth: See ya.

Ash: And thanks a lot for taking care of Meowth, Recover Girl.

Ash: And thanks a lot for taking care of Meowth, Recover Girl

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Recovery Girl: It's my pleasure.

The next evening with Ash, Pikachu, Leorio and Kurapika.

Ash: Meowth said that he would come and get us when he's ready to do you know what.

Leorio: Got it. There's no way we'll let Overhaul do whatever he wants any longer!

Kurapika: We're only going to save Jessie, James and possibly Eri.

Leorio: Right, I forgot about that.

Kurapika: Then again, if we do run into Overhaul or any of his followers, we'll have no choice but to take them out.

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