Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 43

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With Gon and Deku's group.

Fat Gum: Hate to just barge in like this

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Fat Gum: Hate to just barge in like this. But, we're kind of in a hurry! Haven't seen any signs of suspicious activity yet!

Rock Lock: Yeah, bro, same here. But, hey, we're in it now, right? We got no choice but to see it through.

Amajiki: Is it possible that somebody leaked our plans for the raid?

Killua So it IS a raid.

Amajiki: There must be a reason they all came pouring out like that.

Detective: No, if there had been a leak, I think they would be fighting more cohesively. Groups like this are used to working together.

Gon: That's both good and bad to hear. I was worried that Hisoka had told Overhaul about us.

Detective: All those people outside, but we haven't caught sight of the top brass yet. They're probably underground hiding or getting ready to flee.

Kirishima: How's that supposed to be loyalty? Forcing their henchmen to fight for them while they run away isn't manly at all!

Killua: Does that even matter? Their Villain's, so of course they would sacrifice everything for their own good.

The group stops running and looks at a plant pot on a wall.

Nighteye: This is it.

Killua: Why did we stop?

Nighteye: There's a device here that opens a hidden passage.

Nighteye removes the plant pot from the shelf.

Nighteye: You press down the floorboards in a specific order, and then...

The shelf begins to retract behind the wall.

Bubble Girl: It's like a ninja hideout! How cool!

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Bubble Girl: It's like a ninja hideout! How cool!

Centipeder: Thank goodness for your quirk, Sir. 'Guards up. We don't know what we might be facing in there.

A bunch of Hassaikai members appear from behind the shelf.

Hassaikai member D: Let's get em!

Centipeder: Bubble Girl! You handle the third!

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