Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 31

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Gon and Kurapika return to Ash, Pikachu and Leorio. With Deku and Nighteye.

Deku: So what did you want to talk about Sir?

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Deku: So what did you want to talk about Sir?

Nighteye: It's about your quirk. I know that All Might gave you One For All.

Deku: That doesn't surprise me that much. You two were partners a while ago.

Nighteye: That's not why I called you here. You need to know that Mirio should have been the one to wield One For All, not you.

Deku: Huh?! What makes you say that?

Nighteye: I'm positive that you've noticed Mirio's upbeat personality.

Deku: Well he is always smiling. I actually feel at ease around him. It's like I can say whatever I want and he won't mind at all.

Nighteye: And that's the kind of personality any symbol of peace needs.

Deku: I suppose your right. So are you saying I should give up One For All?

Nighteye: That would be the best option, but I don't want you to do that. Instead, you should prove yourself worthy. Worthy to wield One For All.

Deku: So is that why you really accepted to take me on for the work study program?

Nighteye: Yes. For reasons you should already know, I couldn't reveal my true intentions in front of the others. That's all I wanted to discuss with you. You can leave now.

Deku: Thank you, Sir.

With Ash, Pikachu, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika

With Ash, Pikachu, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika

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Ash: You really saw Overhaul?!

Gon: Yeah, that's right. Don't worry about me, I'm okay now.

Ash: That's good to hear.

Gon: By the way, where's Killua?

Kurapika: He went with Kirishima and a third-year student named Amajiki to visit an agency for the work study program.

Gon: Killua got a place too. Thats awesome.

Leorio: It sure is.

Gon: Do you guys not want to take part in the work study program?

Ash: Not really. I still don't agree with everyone fighting each other and getting hurt.

Kurapika: While it's something that's awful, there isn't anything we can do about it. Stuff like that happens in our world too.

Ash: Oh yeah, that's right. I almost forgot about that.

Kurapika: It's fine.

Leorio: Hey, since we didn't get to do any training last night, should we do some now?

Ash: That's a good idea.

Gon: I agree. I could use something to take my mind off Overhaul and Eri.

Kurapika: I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep in shape.

Kurapika: I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep in shape

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Ash: You ready Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!

Gon: Hurry up guys, I can't wait all day. *Runs outside the dorm building.*

Kurapika: He seems a lot happier now.

Leorio: That's a good thing.

Ash: Now we know that Nighteye Agency is looking into the Chie Hassaku...

Kurapika: It's "Shie Hassaikai."

Ash: Right, sorry. My point is that we know that Gon and Deku could eventually raid Overhaul's hideout.

Leorio: Yeah, it would be bad if we ran into them and the rest of Nighteye's Agency.

Kurapika: It's actually good for us.

Leorio: It is?

Kurapika: If Overhaul and his followers are fixed on taking down the Heroes, we can sneak in and save Team Rocket.

Leorio: You make a good point. Maybe we could save Eri too.

Ash: If we could do that without any casualties, that would be great.

Leorio: Now that I think about it. If we do end up saving Eri and Team Rocket, wouldn't Nighteye's Agency be raiding their hideout for nothing?

Kurapika: Not at all. We know that Overhaul is a criminal, so they would also have intentions on capturing him.

Ash: Yeah, that's true.

Gon: Hey guys, what's taking so long?

Leorio: It's nothing.

Kurapika: We're coming now.

Gon: Alright!

Kurapika: *Whispers to Ash and Leorio* Do not tell Gon about our plan, no matter what.

Ash + Leorio: *Nod*

Ash + Leorio: *Nod*

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