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Peter's POV

I woke up this morning to find a new sticky note on my door.

(n.) A worthless person

I sighed and shoved it in my pocket. I got ready for the day, and I made my way into the kitchen.

May was asleep, so I had to make her breakfast and have it ready for her by the time she woke up.

The food smelled so good, and my stomach was grumbling the entire time, but I knew she would never let me eat anything. She knew about Flash, and him taking my lunch money. She knew I was on the brink of starvation, but she didn't care.

She believes that just putting a roof over my head is way too much to give to a murderer like me anyways, so food is something I have to find on my own.

When Ben was alive, we used to go to Delmar's which wasn't that far away from the apartment. He had the best sandwiches  in Queens. I used to spend hours talking to him and rambling about school and all my fandoms. I'm pretty sure he didn't understand any of my references or science jokes, but he always was happy to see me.

Mr. Delmar died in a fire last year. The same year when Liz had to move because of her dad. (A/N timeline is a little mixed up, so just go with it.) Everyone who gets close to me either pushes me away or dies. It's only a matter of time before Ned realizes what a freak I am, and finds new friends. I practically already lost MJ, she wouldn't want to be friends with me after that.

It's a good thing no one knows I'm Spider-Man. Peter Parker isn't good enough to be Spider-Man.

I finished setting the table for May and I left for school.

(A/N feel free to come up with a name for thse line breaks)

I'm in Calculus right now, and I'm bored out of my mind. I'm positive that even the teacher is bored as well. I knew this stuff already, so I went ahead and pulled out my phone. We were only taking notes anyways.

The Kid

Hey guys!

Mr. Fe

Kid, arent you supposed to be in school rn?

You better not be skipping, so help me

Mr. Steve

What does "rn" mean?

The Kid

right now

Mr. Steve

Of course, right now!

Why would I want to know at another time?

Mr. Colonel

It means "right now" you old raisin

The Kid

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