The Field Trip Pt. 2

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Peter's POV

When I heard the door, I expected Flash to come in with a smug expression bragging about the compliments Tony Stark had given him.

When Flash didn't come in, I realized what had happened. I felt bad, because well.... I don't really know, but I just felt guilty. Sure, he may have delayed my project's progress, but that's nothing to kick him out for.

What really surprised me was when THE TONY STARK put his hand on my shoulder and asked if everything was alright. I flinched out of habit when he touched me. He noticed. Crap.

"You alright, kid?" He tilted his head. Wow, he looked really concerned. Why would he care about me?

"Y-Yes, sir. A bit nervous hehe" I assured him. He frowned, but quickly covered it up when he looked back up at me.

"It's ok to be nervous! How is it coming?" He smiled. This is weird.

"It's coming along really w-well!"

"That guy didn't mess up anything? It was really cruel of him to do that."

"I mean, I guess it was, but uh I'm kinda used to it. It's totally okay, s-sir! It only slowed me down by a little. It's really ok, sir, I promise. I'm already caught up. Y-you didn't have to do that for me. Uh I mean, you can do what you want, of course, i-it's your building." I stuttered. He looked at me with a curious face.

"Uh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ramble. I-" He stopped me.

"Kid. You're fine," he chuckled. He kept looking at me with this expression of... I don't even know what of but it's really confusing...

He smiled and pat my back (I flinched again), and then he walked away to his seat at the judge's table. The other judges, Mrs. Stark and Dr. Bruce Freaking Banner, kept looking at me with curious eyes.

A R E 

Even though I'm kind of uncomfortable with all of the attention, I continue with my work.


We have about five minutes left, and I'm putting on the finishing touches.

Just place that right there... and.... done!

I stepped back and almost laughed. It was finally complete. THE TONY STARK (I'm still not over it) called us all to the testing room where we were going to present our AIs. We were given a computer and a lot of tools to work with. Some people used just a computer, some, including me, used a machine they created along with the computer. Most everybody created some sort of weapon, which displeased THE TONY STARK, and a couple people actually created some useful things. One girl named Autumn created a robot service dog AI with faux fur and dog-like abilities for those who are allergic. It was a really neat idea, but sadly it broke down in the middle of her presentation. I felt really bad for her, she did so well.

Everyone went, and it was finally my turn. I was shaking, and I felt like I couldn't move, but I forced my legs to walk to the front. I turned my computer on, and I put on my wristband that I designed, then a hologram showed up from the computer.

"H-hi everyone. This is my AI K-Karen. Say hi, Karen." I stuttered out, and after a bunch of awkward silence, she spoke.

"Hello, I am Karen, Peter's AI."

"Tell them what you ah- what you do."

"I am programmed to detect vital stats, I can treat any pain, contact emergency help, calm anxiety, and more. I am made to assist those in need, like a nurse, or even a friend." she added with charisma. I made her for my suit, but no one needed to know that (that is what that "more" is).

(A/N I was inspired by Baymax from BH6 for the presentation, bc you can't exactly say, tHiS iS mY sPidErMaN SUit AsSisTaNT, a bEtTeR vErsiOn oF JARVIS aNd FRIDAY, sUCk iT TonY - that was a joke, they are all equal XD)

"I made her with more advanced technology and more human-like personality to make her friendly and easy to approach."

"Can you give us an example?" DR. BRUCE FREAKING BANNER asked.

"Uhh.. well, ok. Karen, read my vitals please."

"Of course, Peter" she answered with pleasure. "Your blood pressure is 134, your body temperature is 98.8 F, your pulse rate is 87 beats per minute. You have many bruises and you seem to be on the brink of st-" 

(A/N I did a little research on what vitals look like when you're anxious, but i didnt rly find much so this may not be correct for anxiety, im not a doctor :/)

"THANK YOU, KAREN!" I cut her off. I could see THE TONY STARK frowning. "I'm just a little nervous, and I fall... a lot, I'm pretty clumsy." I laughed a little nervously. Some people laughed with me, so I guess that means that they bought it... or they're laughing at me. I hope not. No, they're laughing at me. My project is a joke, I'll just see myself out-

"Well, kid, I gotta say... I'm impressed." Really..? I impressed THE TONY STARK?! HAH! I can't believe it. Wait until Mr. Fe hears about this! It's nice to know that I have someone who believes in me. 

 "Nice work, kid. Please have a seat now." He smiled at me with... fondness? I am seriously so confused right now. I just sat down with my project, still dazed.

"That is it for the finals! You all did wonderful jobs, I see some creative minds who might make a difference in the world someday. Now, we just have to decide who impressed us the most, and you'll find out by Sunday. Thank you all for participating, and remember even if you aren't chosen, that doesn't mean you aren't capable of great things. You all can change the world, but it is up to you to see in what way that is." (A/N Does that make sense?)

"Thanks again for being here," he smiled at me AGAIN, I literally have no idea what is going on, "My lovely wife will lead you out." And just like that, it was over. 


Tony's POV

It was an obvious choice. I'm not even being biased here! Peter did the best out of everyone there, and he impressed me the most. He is so amazing. 

I just can't stop thinking about what Karen said before Peter cut her off.

Brink of what?

A/N I had a lot of points in this chapter where I did not know what to do. I had originally planned for Peter to find out who they were in this chapter, but I decided to wait because I want them to have more anonymous interactions. It's not too long, but it did take a while, and for that, I apologize!

But thank you so much for almost 700 reads & 122 votes WHAT!? I only started this book like last week! This is so crazy! I am so so so so thankful for each and every one of you, I'm serious. 

As always, make sure to leave comments, I love to read those! Have an awesome rest of the day/night! 💕

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