Chapter 8

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When Agent Hawthorne arrives at our door I willingly enter his warm embrace. He's an attractive man in his mid forties standing at a little over 6 feet tall with salt and pepper hair and pale blue eyes. His skin is tanned and his build is athletic and strong as I can feel the hard muscles under his tailored suit.

"It's good to see you Ryler" he says as I untangle myself from him.

"It's good to see you too sir" I say my voice coming out tired as I offer him a small friendly smile.

"We are going to get this all straightened out" he informs me confidently.

"There's probably something we should tell you then" Nikki says standing.

"Hello Nikki" Agent Hawthorne says warmly.

"Hello sir" she says.

"What is it you need to tell me?" he asks sounding interested but I can see the wheels churning in his head as he prepares for the new threat we are about to unload on him.

Nikki goes on to tell him then what she discovered and shares her theories on how Matthew was in love with me before I ever faked my death. It was even more sickening to hear a second time. Agent Hawthorne immediately calls his team and shares the news with them demanding that Matthew Mayor be found and brought in for questioning. He then calls Chief Bronson and informs him of everything that is happening. Once he's done with his phone calls he tells us to gather some things since we will be joining him for the rest of the day down at the police station. He didn't want to let me out of his sight. I understood this completely.

Hours later Agent Hawthorne comes in to inform Nikki and me that Matthew has been found and has just arrived at the station. I clutch my coffee mug, feeling jittery since this is my fifth cup today, but I've been fighting off exhaustion fearing what terrors sleep will bring me. He asks if I want to be present during the questioning. He tells me I won't have to see him when he sees the fear in my eyes. He promises that I'll be kept hidden on the other side of the glass where he can't see me. With that knowledge in mind I tell Agent Hawthorne that I would like to be present. I want to hear the answers to all of my questions firsthand.

It's another half an hour or so before Agent Hawthorne comes back to summon us for the questioning. He leads us into a room much like the ones you see on television when some poor victim stands on one side of the glass and is asked to identify her attacker who stands on the other. I see Matthew sitting at a table alone. He looks slightly worried as he looks around at the bare walls and fidgets with his hands nervously on the table. I notice he isn't handcuffed but I suppose that's because he hasn't been arrested for anything.

Nikki and I sit down in the chairs provided for us and then we watch as Agent Hawthorne leaves and then enters the room on the other side of the glass. He speaks to Matthew, his voice coming out gentle and non-threatening seemingly putting him at ease. His asks if Matthew needs or wants anything, perhaps coffee or some water. Matthew politely declines. I patiently wait for Agent Hawthorne to get on with it knowing that this is part of the show. Play good cop first and if that doesn't work play bad cop later.

"So Matthew" Agent Hawthorne begins as he takes the seat opposite Matthew's. "I understand a couple of weeks ago you ran into a girl named Ryler Stevens. Is that correct?"

Matthew nods unable to meet Agent Hawthorne's gaze. "Yes."

"Is it true then that you began trying to find her places? Such as her job at the library? Perhaps a party she attended last week?"

Matthew's head snaps up then meeting Agent Hawthorne's eyes. "Are you trying to say that I'm stalking her?" he asks almost sounding appalled by the notion.

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