Chapter 31

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Colt makes two phone calls. One to Manning and then one to someone else and next thing I know we are changing course. We drive for about twenty minutes and then come to a stop in front of a high rise apartment complex. The building appears nice from the outside. Not too swanky but definitely not in the bad side of town. Colt gets out of the car and then comes over to open my door. He holds my hand as he keeps me close to his side and I welcome the closeness. I need him right now. I need him so badly.

Colt rings up to one of the rooms and a moment later we are being buzzed in. I follow him into the elevator and we ride up to the eleventh floor together. We say nothing to one another and I can tell he's nervous but about what I'm not sure. I try to ease him by rubbing soothing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb. It seems to help a little.

Once we arrive at our stop Colt leads me out of the elevator and down the long hallway. We pass unit after unit before coming to a stop in front of the last door. Colt knocks gently and a moment later someone opens the door. I take in the tall stranger. He's almost as tall as Colt but not quite and he's built of lean muscle. He has olive tone skin and dark hair cropped short with dark brown eyes and a very friendly smile. He's attractive and very happy to see Colt.

"Storm!" he says happily as he pulls Colt in for a quick hug and Colt somehow manages to hold my hand while hugging him. Once they are done he turns to me, "And you must be Storm's mystery girl."

I blush as I gaze up at him suddenly feeling shy. "Guilty?" I say awkwardly as I flash a smile.

He laughs a boyish laugh and flashes his dimples at me as he smiles and I decide that I like him. "I'm Mason" he says. "Come on in guys."

We follow him in and I look around his place. It's nice and surprisingly very clean and well decorated. It has a very homey feel and I automatically feel comfortable here.

"How do you two know each other?" I find myself asking.

"We served together" Mason answers freely. "I owe this knucklehead my life" he says gesturing to Colt.

"Let's not get carried away" Colt says as he shifts uncomfortably.

"He has a habit of saving people doesn't he?" I say lightly and Mason laughs while Colt shoots me a look.

"I like her Storm" he says pointing at me with a boyish grin. "How have you two been liking the gym?" he asks suddenly.

This surprises me, "You are the friend who owns the gym?" I ask as my gaze shifts from him to Colt and Colt just kind of shrugs like he didn't think this was important information. I guess with everything that's been going on he's right.

Mason nods, "The one and only" he says.

"Well I love the gym. Thank you for letting us use it. That was really kind of you" I say sweetly.

"Of course" he says like it's no big deal. "Like I said I owe this knucklehead my life so any time he asks for a favor, which isn't often, I'm willing to give. Speaking of, I'm heading out for the night. You two stay as long as you'd like."

"Thanks again man" Colt says as he slaps Mason on the back.

Mason merely nods and smiles before walking over to me and swooping me up in a hug, which surprises me. I yelp in surprise but I twine my small arms around him awkwardly. "I've never seen him so happy. Keep doing what you're doing" he whispers quickly to me before releasing me and leaving. I'm so shocked by his words that I don't even notice when Colt comes up behind me and rest his hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" he asks gently.

"Yea" I whisper. "I'm fine. Have you been visiting him a lot since you've been here?" I ask.

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