Chapter 38

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When I searched her room and found no sight of the necklace I thanked God that she had the sense not to take it off, or at least I hope she didn't. I don't tell Manning about the necklace. Instead I ask him to run another trace on Nikki's phone and I run a trace on Ryler's necklace. It shocks us both when there is a location on Nikki's cell.

"Where?" I ask as I stand and walk over to his computer. I read the address and I realize it's an old abandoned warehouse.

"He must have been using something to block the signal on her GPS" Manning says voicing my thoughts.

"But why turn it back on now?" I ask because something doesn't feel right about this.

"I don't know" Manning says and I can tell he feels iffy about this too. "But we should still go check this out. It's the best lead we have."

"You go" I say. "Alert the local police too and have them meet you there. I'm going to drive around and see what I can find."

Manning looks at me questioningly but doesn't push me. "Okay" he says. "I'll let you know what I find when I get there."

"Okay" I say.

Once he's gone I look at my computer and see that the trace on Ryler's necklace is complete. I grab my keys and run out the door immediately as I sprint to the car dodging people as I go. I break several traffic laws as I race to Ryler's location, but none of that matters. All that matters is Ryler. I need to get to her. I can't be too late.

I tell myself that I won't be, that she's strong, and that I'm sure she is fighting right now. I pray she is still fighting. I pray that she hasn't given up because I'm not sure what I will do if she has.

I know it seems pretty stupid of me to go in without back-up or like I'm trying to be a hero but I'm not. I know that if he suspects that we're coming he will kill her before we can get to her. I know he will not let her go a second time, so I need to come in as quietly as possible. I need to go in alone. It's the only way she comes out of this. I will not take any chances with her life.

I will probably lose my job for this because it is exactly what they teach you not to do in the academy but I don't care. As long as I have Ryler I'll be fine. I can find another job. I'll never be able to find another her.

I think back to two nights ago and the love that we shared. I think about how Ryler gave me a piece of herself she has never given another person. I think about how she told me she loves me. I should have told her. I wasn't brave enough though, now I can't help but worry that I'll never get the chance. Stop, I tell myself. You will get the chance. You will tell her. You'll tell her every day for the rest of your life.

I tell myself this over and over again throughout the drive because it is the only thing that is keeping me sane. My mind keeps drifting to what is probably happening to her right now and I can't stand it. If he's hurting her I'll never forgive myself. I should have known this would happen. I should have never left her.

I check my ETA and see I'm about ten minutes out. I press my foot harder on the gas because ten minutes is too damn long. I need to be there now. She needs me. My cell rings and I pick it up and see that it's Manning. I think about not answering but I know that will only make him worry and I also want to know if he found anything.

"What is it Manning?" I say into the phone.

"We found Nikki" he reports.

My heart races and I feel some relief. "What about Ryler?" I ask as I feel hope that she's there and safe flare up inside me.

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