Chapter 39

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I hear the door open but I don't bother lifting my head because I don't feel like looking at the monster who has come back to take another piece of me. I fell asleep for a few minutes but I don't think I've been out long, but man am I still so tired. I thought I could make it out of here but maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should just stop fighting.

I hear someone rush across the room quickly and I brace myself in case he decides to hit me across the face again, but as the steps get closer I feel something change. I feel a familiar warmth as the person draws closer and kneels before me. I want to lift my head so badly because I want to see him, but I'm so tired I don't think I can.

I feel his warms hands caress my face frantically as he calls my name. "Ryler" he calls softly over and over and I can hear a sob threatening to break him. I realize then that he thinks I'm dead. "Please wake up" he cries quietly. "Open your eyes Ryler" he commands more strongly now, but I can still hear his distress.

Very slowly I force my eyelids open and I rasp, "You came."

His beautiful gray eyes widen when he hears me speak. "Yes" he whispers relieved and I can see tears in his eyes. "I'll always come for you" he adds. "Let's get you out of here."

He pulls a knife out of his boot and cuts my legs free first and then my hands. When I look at my wrists they have been rubbed completely raw and are bleeding just like I suspected this whole time. Colt winces when he sees them and walks over and grabs some gauze and very quickly tapes it to my wrists to help stop the bleeding. I'm worried about my ankles too but I really just want to get out of here so I don't mention them.

"Where is he?" I ask and my voice comes out hoarse and tired. I hardly sound like myself.

"I'm not sure" Colt answers. "I didn't see him on my way down here. He must have been in one of the rooms upstairs." I nod but say nothing because I'm in too much pain to carry on a conversation right now. Colt walks over to the table and picks up one of the other knives on it and hands it to me. "Here take this just in case and stay close to me. Alright?"

"Alright" I nod as I take the knife.

He looks at me and I can see worry clear in his eyes. "We're going to get out of here" he tells me strongly. "I just need you to hold on a little bit longer okay?"

"Okay" I agree tiredly but I try to become more alert in case I do need to fight alongside Colt.

"Let's go" he says as he takes my hand briefly in his and pulls me closer before letting go and walking out of the room.

I stay tucked behind Colt as we walk in the darkness towards the stairway. I try to draw strength from him as he leads me through the darkness because I feel so weak, and right now I need to be strong. He came for me. Deep down even though I had my moments of doubt I knew he would, it's why I kept the necklace on. I knew if I couldn't fight my way out on my own that he would find me eventually. For a little while though I was worried I would bleed out before he could get here.

As we begin to ascend the stairs I feel woozy from the blood loss and I lean on the wall for support, hoping that Colt doesn't see because I don't want him to worry any more than I already know he is. Colt looks back every few steps to check on me and when he does I do my best to straighten and stand tall but I can tell it falls short. Once we make it to the top of the stairs Colt steps into the hallway and looks around before he motions for me to join him. I huddle closely behind him once again as we cautiously move down the hallway.

I listen closely as we walk but I hear nothing and the stillness of the house puts me on edge because in an old house like this there should be noise. I notice Colt taking careful steps so he doesn't make any noise and I follow directly in his footsteps since it seems like he has it all worked out. We make it to the end of the hallway and Colt enters the kitchen and once again clears it before allowing me inside. We walk past the dining room and living room next and then we are in the foyer and I see the front door. I see freedom.

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