Chapter 41

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Ten days later:

I'm finally back in my bed at home with my parents. They insisted I come back here while I recover. I didn't argue and it worked out anyway since we are now into winter break at school. I had to reschedule all of my finals since I missed them while I was in the hospital. Thankfully I had pretty much the best excuse possible for missing them.

My parents are letting Colt and Nikki stay in the house as well. I'm not sure they really had a choice when it came to Colt though. I'm sure he would have found his way in somehow. Nikki talked to her parents and said she wanted to stick around here for a couple weeks but would go home to them for Christmas. I told her that I was fine and that she didn't need to stick around and fawn over me since I already had Colt and my parents for that but she insisted.

Agent Manning and Agent Hawthorne have gone back to DC. Agent Manning was quite mad at Colt for the stunt he pulled but I could tell he was happy we were both okay. I was worried he was going to be mad at me for hitting him but he said he wasn't. I was relieved. The review board for Colt miraculously didn't fire him, but I think that had to do with Agent Manning and Agent Hawthorne speaking on his behalf as well as the outcome of the situation. Together Colt and I did take down one of America's most wanted. He should be getting a medal, but I guess he's just lucky to be keeping his job.

I was worried he would be leaving to return to DC with Manning but he said he was sticking around for a couple of weeks on medical leave since he was shot. I was relieved to hear that he would be here with me a little while longer. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when he left.

Currently Colt and I are sitting in my room with Nikki and we are watching some trashy reality show that Nikki watches. I can tell Colt is dying on the inside but like the good boyfriend he is he's dealing with it. To help though I make fun of it for him and I see him crack a smile every time I make a comment.

It still hurts a little when I laugh because my ribs haven't fully healed yet and neither have the knife wounds. I'm happy to say though that I will be getting my stitches out tomorrow. My right arm is still in a sling from when I was stabbed in the back and had to have surgery to repair the damage. Colt and I match since his arm is still in a sling as well from when he was shot in the chest. Thankfully his sling will be coming off sooner than mine. It wasn't until a few days after I woke up that I found out Colt's injury could have been a lot worse. The bullet missed his lung by half an inch. It was also explained to me that he was lucky the wound was a through and through because this way they didn't have to do surgery to retrieve the bullet. I'll admit I was a little pissed at him for keeping all of that from me, but I understood why he did it. He did it because he wanted to protect me because that's what he does, that's what he'll always do.

The show ends and Colt announces that it is time for my next round of pain meds. I'll admit he has been doing a remarkable job at taking care of me. He stands to go get my pills but we all turn to look at the door when we hear a knock.

"Come in" I say.

The door creaks open and I see my mom standing in my doorway. "Hey sweetie" she says. "You have a visitor." She moves aside and I see Dr. Roberts come into view. She stopped by the hospital to visit me the day after I woke up, but I hadn't seen her since. I'm guessing my parents or Colt probably called her to come check on me. I'm sure they thought we had a lot to talk about. I wasn't sure I felt the same way.

"Hello Ryler" she says to me using her sweet cheery tone and I'll admit a part of me missed it. It had been weeks since I last had a session with her.

"Hello Dr. Roberts" I say back as I try to sit up straighter, but Colt shoots me a look that tells me not to move because he's worried I'll hurt myself. Instead he comes closer and helps me sit up more. "Come on in."

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