Chapter 21

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I spend the remainder of the day locked away in my room. Luckily Nikki is out so I have a few hours to collect myself before she comes back. I wanted desperately to talk to her about everything that has been happening this past week with Colt but I wasn't even sure where to start. I also didn't want to complicate things anymore than I had to. Things were already so complicated.

I throw myself into my school work and I try to get lost in the words in my textbooks, but my concentration is limited. I have way too many things on my mind to be focused on Calculus III or psychology. I eventually give up on studying and begin to jam all my books back into my backpack when a piece of paper slips out of one of the books. My stomach falls at first as I am worried about who the note could be from. I pick it up with shaky hands and unfold it.


Meet me Friday night at nine. 25 Bradbury lane. I have information that I think you'll be interested in.


I reread the note about twenty times as I try to make sense of it. My first thought is how the hell did he manage to get this note into one of my books? My backpack is always with me and I'm sure I or Colt would have noticed if Matthew were nearby. But then I remember that when I go to the library I leave my backpack in Karen's office. It's not the easiest place to get to without being seen but not impossible. Even if Karen did see him I'm sure he could charm his way out of it by saying he was looking for her or me. It makes sense that he would leave me a note instead of coming to me directly since Colt all but threatened to kill him the last time he tried to talk to me. But what kind of information could he have? That was what had me worried the most.

I think about going across the hall and showing the note to Colt but ultimately decide against it. He would never let me go. He would be way too worried about my safety to even consider putting me in harm's way, and I needed to go. I need to know what Matthew knows. I know this is probably a stupid decision on my part, but I don't think I have any other choice but to try and go alone. The trick is though how I'll manage to escape without Colt noticing or Nikki for that matter. I'll need to plan everything perfectly. Timing will be key here.

First I think about how to get rid of Nikki so she won't be around to be concerned about where I am. I ultimately decide on convincing her to go to one of the many parties I know are happening on campus tonight. It will probably be difficult to convince her to go without me but I think I'll be able to do it. The next problem will be getting Manning and Colt to okay it, but I have a feeling Manning will approve after some groveling. My biggest obstacle will be making it out of the dorm without Colt knowing. I wasn't sure how I was going to pull that off so I put that on the back burner for now. Lastly, I thought about how I was going to get to Matthew. I recognize the street he mentioned in the note since it is close to campus. I'm pretty sure Colt and I have run by it several times over the past couple weeks so I decided that I could just run. It made me nervous to think about walking on the street alone at night but desperate times and all. It was really my only option.

When Nikki comes back later in the day we venture out to one of the dining halls on campus for dinner. I butter her up a little by being more upbeat than I have in weeks, but I'm careful not to play it up too much because she'll suspect something and so will Colt. I can tell she's pleased though by my chipper mood and that I seem to be doing better. I try not to pay too much attention to the feel of Colt's eyes on me, but it's difficult not to. I can tell he's confused by my mood, but I don't think he suspects anything.

When Nikki and I return to our room later we hang out for a little while before I bring up the subject of the party.

"So . . ." I say starting off. "I was thinking that you should go out tonight."

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