Chapter 12

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The next week goes by quickly and Storm and I have developed a routine. We run to his friend's gym in the morning and then we train there, we go to class, he escorts me to work, and then we turn in for the night. We still don't talk much but I think we've developed some type of understanding. He doesn't seem to despise me so much anymore, but he doesn't seem to particularly like me either. At meals he often speaks to Nikki more than he does me, but I guess that could be because Nikki is better at making conversation than I am. I try not to let it bother me.

It's Thursday afternoon and I have work later tonight at the library. I'm in my room doing some homework when I hear a knock at the door. I jump up to answer expecting it to be Storm on the other side because he's the only person I can think of who would be knocking on my door. When I open it though and see Matthew I'm shocked.

"Hey Ryler" he says uneasily when I say nothing because I'm too shocked for words.

"What are you doing here" I stammer, my voice coming out strangled and nervous.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened" he says. "I never meant to scare you" he adds and I can tell he means it. He sounds genuine and ashamed.

"It's okay" I whisper back accepting his apology, feeling guilty for allowing him to believe I'm dead when I'm right here. I think of the countless others I have allowed to think the same and I feel sick wondering if I left a hole in all of them the way I've left a hole in Matthew. God, I hope not.

"I thought you were someone I lost" he continues to explain and the pain that cuts into his voice slices me open.

"I know" I say cutting him off because his words are becoming too much for me to bear.

"You do?" he asks surprised.

"Yes" I nod sadly.

"Do you think we could go somewhere and talk?" he asks. "I think we've got off on the wrong foot and I'd like for us to be friends."

I'm stunned into silence again because I wasn't prepared for this. Agent Hawthorne said he would leave me alone, but here he was trying to make amends.

"Uh" I stammer, but before I can answer Storm comes racing out of his room.

"What's going on here?" he asks in a commanding voice. His eyes flash to my scared face and they darken as they turn on Matthew.

Matthew looks nervous too as he says, "Nothing, we were just talking."

"I think you need to go" Storm says threateningly, his body rigid and wound tight.

My heart races nervously as I wait for Matthew to respond. I hope he's smart and just leaves. I don't want Storm to hurt him but I know he will if Matthew doesn't do as he says.

Matthew straightens clearly not nearly as intimidated by Storm's massive size as he should be, but then again Matthew isn't much smaller than he is. They stand toe to toe now and my heart pounds in my chest. Storm still stands about two inches taller and probably has at least twenty pounds of muscle on Matthew. He would surely destroy Matthew in a fight. There is no comparison. I've seen what he can do.

"I came to talk to Ryler and I'm not leaving till I do" Matthew says standing his ground.

I see Storm's eyes flash with fire from the challenge Matthew has clearly presented him with. Without looking away from Matthew Storm says to me, "Why don't you go back inside Ryler."

My stomach drops with more nervousness. I know I should listen to him because there will be hell to pay if I don't, but I can't let him hurt Matthew.

"It's okay Storm" I say hesitantly as I place my small hand on his arm begging him to look at me and listen. His eyes remain focused on Matthew. "We really were just talking. I'm fine and Matthew was just leaving." I turn my gaze on Matthew pleading with him to listen, ordering him to go before things get worse.

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