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tomorrow was lemon and drew's 6 month anniversary and lemon was currently freaking out.

"lemon i don't get why you don't just ask him" madison watched the brunette pace across the room for the past few minutes

"ask him if we are doing anything?" lemon looked at madison as if she just suggested she jumped off a bridge "it'll make it seem like i'm expecting something"

"but... you are" madelyn added confused. her and chase had been together for 8 months and she never had freaked out like this.

"i'm not. i'm just nervous because if he does plan something and i'm not expecting it, it'll seem like i don't care." lemon explained "i don't get how you guys don't understand this" lemon said annoyed at them

"perfect idea" elaine grabbed her phone "i'll just text rudy to ask drew if he's doing anything"

"you're so smart e! just make sure he doesn't think i'm asking"

"got it"


hey are you with the boys?

yeah why?
you wanna hang bc i'll
leave rn

haha no you can stay
with them. is drew there?

you got something to tell
me and lem?

chilll ru
lemon wants to know if drew has

anything planned
for their anniversary

ohhhh i'll ask

make sure it doesn't seem like
lemon wants to know


"so drew got anything planned for your 6 months with lemon tomorrow? not that she was asking or anything" rudy added at the end, making it blatantly obvious that lemon was in fact asking

"yeah, why is lemon asking about it?"

"i very clearly said that she didn't ask. open your ears bro"

"rudy you're so dumb. why was lemon asking?" chase asked

"i don't know why but elaine texted me to ask you"

"oh, so that's who got you all smiley" jd added, referring to rudy smiling at his phone

"don't be jealous you don't have someone bro" rudy defended

"he's got me" austin walked up, putting his arm around jd

"anyway, what do you have planned?" chase asked, as he was the only other guy in a serious relationship

"i planned dinner"

"that's it?" chase furrowed his eyebrows

"is that not good?" drew started to freak out "what did you and mads do?"

"i took her to the beach for a picnic and then we went and watched the stars. it was something personal that we did on our first date."

"dinner was our first date"

"i'm not saying it's bad" chase put his arms up to defend himself, backing out of the room "but maybe put some thought into it"

drew was starting to overthink his whole plan, was dinner really not good enough. i mean it's only 6 months, it matters but not that much.

ALL I ASK, DREW STARKEYWhere stories live. Discover now