lemon went over to dalton's apartment to hang out for the day after her conversation with maddie.
"hey babe" lemon smiled as she walked into the apartment to see him playing xbox with his roommate/teammate "hey lucas"
"hey lem!" lucas turned off the game before going to his room
lemon walked over to where dalton was sitting on the couch as she sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "so what if" she dragged out "you were to come out this weekend and meet my friends" she paused but he didn't say anything so she continued "i mean i've already met all of your friends and teammates and i really want you to meet them because they mean so much to me-"
he cut her off with a kiss on the cheek "babe, i would love to meet your friends" he smiled
she matched his smile "okay good because i already told them you would come"
"of course you did" he laughed
their relationship was very new, as he officially asked her to be his girlfriend the night she went to his game, therefore she was still nervous. they didn't know each other as well as people in a longer relationship would. she hadn't told him about her relationship with drew, not wanting him to worry about her hanging out with drew, as he already got somewhat possessive when she was around other guys, no matter how many times she told him that the conversation was nothing but innocent. it annoyed her sometimes but concluded it to that being his way of showing his care for her.
"okay, i didn't tell you guys this before, except chase, but lemon is bringing dalton tonight" maddie turned to the group when they finally settled in the booth with their drinks
"so that's what we have to do to make her hang out with us now? make her bring her boyfriend?" austin asked
"more like her keeper" elaine muttered. she felt dalton was trying to keep her from the group
"we are going to be nice tonight, you hear me" maddie stared at drew
"why are you looking at me?!"
"because we know how you get, play nice"
"i am nice!"
"but i'm also talking to all of you guys, because she is already nervous about you guys meeting him. and he truly is a nice guy" maddie reasoned
"yeah he is" chase agreed
"like you even talked to him" madison rolled her eyes
"i did! i mean, granted, he was shirtless and trying to sneak out at 7am, but it was still a conversation"
"he's not even that controlling, just a little protective" maddie tried to defend him but her words seemed unsure
"i speak for all of us when i say that we will all be inviting" chase spoke, all of them nodding their heads in agreement.
lemon walked into the bar by herself in a backless light green tank top with loose ripped jeans, immediately making drew sit up straighter in his seat
"where's the boy?" madison asked
"the 'boy' is on his way. you guys are lucky, he skipped out on celebrating with his teammates to come meet you guys" lemon joked as she took a seat next to elaine
"aren't we lucky" austin said sarcastically
"please be nice tonight, his friends were welcoming to me so you guys should be the same to him. he doesn't know anyone here except for his teammates. also i haven't told him about me and drew, so like refrain from bringing up that topic" lemon rushed her last sentence

Fanfiction"hold me like i'm more than just a friend" drew starkey x oc