This is the second part to the first part, My Wings of Fire OC's. I thought, Hey, all of my original OC's are girls, why not make a boy OC from each tribe too? So here are all my male OC's from each tribe.
RainWing - Gnat. Gnat is my male RainWing OC. He is very self-conscious of his scale color and always thinks someone will judge him for what color his scales are at that moment. Even so, he isn't afraid of most things.
SeaWing - Leviathan is my male SeaWing OC. He is very bold and popular, but he doesn't break the rules just to have fun (like Tsunami or someone). He is mostly dark cyan with more minty green underscales.
NightWing - Scrollreader. Is very smart, but not in a nerdy type of way. He's casual and usually does an assortment of activities, but still manages to read every scroll he can get his talons on. His scales are a shiny, galaxy-colored blue/purple/black mix, and the stars under his wings swirl into small clumps. His underscales are a dark gray color.
SandWing - (It took a while choosing a name, and then choosing between Succulent or Burrow. I chose Burrow.) Burrow is one of those OC's. Y'know, the one with some tragic backstory that makes them turn evil or somethin'? So anyway, here it is.
Burrow is crazy and he knows it. He's weird, everybody sees him that way; but internally, he feels as though some force is making him be weird. It's taking over his mind, and he can't do anything to stop it. He wasn't born crazy, but over time he just... changed. It's eating him up from the inside and he doesn't know what to do, or if he even could do anything. He's being mentally destroyed by himself.
Burrow is a whiteish-orangish SandWing with normal scales that are not too shiny but not too dull. His tail fades to yellow, and his stinger is gray.
(I think the song / piece of a song up above, The Wolf, fits Burrow's backstory very well!! Credit to the youtuber who made that video)
IceWing - Caribou. Caribou is very laid-back and often gets in trouble for never doing what anyone tells him to do. He doesn't care though. He isn't selfish, he just... doesn't like doing work? I guess. He doesn't make anyone else do anything for him, but he doesn't do anything for them either. He is mostly baby blue, with whiter feet, talons, and tail-tip.
MudWing - Coarse. He's just like any other MudWing. No offense to anyone, but MudWings were never the most interesting to me. They're very eh. What do they do? Eh. Basically I can't think of any sort of backstory or personality or anything. He's a dark maroon, with light brown underscales.
SkyWing - This one I also had problems with naming. I'm stuck between Kindle and Ignite. Ignite seems too... Y'know, like an action. Because that's what it is. Like, it just sounds weird, since it's a verb. So Kindle I like a lot, but with KiDs ThEsE dAyS I don't know whether you would think of the app or Kindle as in lighting something or setting something on fire. I mean, since it's a SkyWing, you would probably be able to guess. Y'know what? Imma go with Kindle. You either understand it or you're stupid (no offense anyone). ON WITH KINDLE'S PERSONALITY N' STUFF!!
The only thing Kindle ever wanted was a close friend, or someone who cared about him at least a little bit. But that could never happen because of his stupid firescales. While Queen Ruby pitied him for his 'condition', she could never compare to Kindle's dreams. Every day, all he could do was sit (on something inflammable) and watch other dragons live their lives, without worrying that they would singe everyone's face off. Until one day, when a light pink SkyWing walked over to him. Before Kindle saw her smoking scales, her amber eyes widened and said, "You're a firescales too?" Kindle couldn't believe it, first of all because firescales were extremely rare, so the chances that he would meet another one were lower than low (I'm going to kinda forget Peril exists okay??), and two because that meant they might be friends, which apparently was also almost impossible.
Soon, the two firescales became great friends. Her name was Ignite (I got to use both names!!). They found that firescales could touch another firescales without burning. After all, they were already burning. When they touched each other's talons to see if it would work, it felt as though his scales were wiggling. Not painfully, but sizzling or something, as though their scales were painlessly melting into liquid and popping little bubbles, like lava. (Also when I looked up 'can a firescales touch another firescales' nothing came up so this is all entirely made up!!)
Kindle is vibrant orange with lighter orange underscales, and as she was described, Ignite has light pink scales, light red (no, not pink, light red) underscales, and amber eyes. And duh, they are both firescales.
I guess this means I have another female SkyWing OC then, too. Huh. I would put pictures if I could, but my computer is weird and opens up some file thingy with all those download files and save files and stuff that not even my computer nerd brother knows what to do with, I'm pretty sure. I could probably ask my dad, but I'd rather publish this NOW without pictures and maybe add pictures later than not publish this now and have pictures when I do.

My Book Of Random Thoughts And Ideas
SonstigesThis is my book of random. Whether it's some crazy future idea or a meme that's been stuck in my head that I've wanted to make, it'll be here. I don't know why I'd care if people read my ideas, but eh.