My phrase, Away v'qua (pronounced away, like normally pronounced, vuh-kwa, but faster together, like v'kwa. you probably don't understand cuz im terrible at explaining stuff) came from when one day, my sister asked for me to get something, so i got it, and when i gave it to her, she said, "Merci!" Which, if you didn't know, is thank you in French. So I said "Away v'qua!!" And she was like "What???" So I said
*giggles at the memory*
"I didn't know how to say You're Welcome in French, so i made something up!"
So now "Away v'qua" is my family's way of saying thank you. I use it for some other things to, like,
Someone: Byeeeee!!!!
Me: Away v'qua!!!!
Y'know, as just, a word. mostly for thank you, though. So at the end of the last part, I wrote "Away v'qua!!!" So in that situation it meant bye.
The end of the history of "Away v'qua".

My Book Of Random Thoughts And Ideas
RandomThis is my book of random. Whether it's some crazy future idea or a meme that's been stuck in my head that I've wanted to make, it'll be here. I don't know why I'd care if people read my ideas, but eh.