I'm just writing this because I CAN. And I've been trying to think of other island names for a while. Specifically, WoF (fake, remember) islands.
So, Pyhrria and Pantala both start with P, end in A, and have that nice ring to them. So, what..
Pondera (wait this is literally just 'ponder' with 'uh' at the end? anyways im speed-type/thinking)
Preatla (pre-atla? I swear my brain is subconsciously thinking of real words)
Piortala (ok this one just sounds like portal-uh but like py-or-ta-luh)
My brain is dying. okay those were all on-the-spot name-thinking speed-type/thinking names. I really like Perinta though. And Piortala. Okay, cue the useless map-creating.
Pronunciations: Perinta (pur-in-tuh) Piortala (Py-or-tuh-luh)
Looks: Perinta (I'll try to add a picture up above eventually) Looks like a dragon facing you with it's head turned to the side, roaring, and wings flared. A giant ravine indicates where it's arm would be. Piortala (again, I'll try to add a picture eventually) looks like a flying dragon swooping downwards in an arch, with it's wings stretched.
Perinta: (4 tribes) StoneWings, live inside the ravine and a length around it underground. WolfWings, live on the head and neck, which is full of forests. GrassWings, live on the right wing, which is all grassy plains (of course not counting the palace and city). SunWings, live on the tropical islands that make up the tail.
Piortala: All the Dragons on Piortala have some otherworldly powers. CloudWings, live on the clouds, can shape clouds like snow and walk on clouds. SharpWings, live in a large rocky outcrop on the torso. They can turn they scales into blades at any moment, basically turning themselves into cacti or porcupines or something, except more deadly and blade-y. The SharpWings also have a Black Market area-thing on the shoulder, much like the SandWings' Scorpion Den. LifeWings, live in a normal field with a decent amount of trees, lots of sunshine n' fields n' stuff, it is unsure what their power is exactly, but it is something with healing. They can sometimes heal dead or wilting plants by touching them, and the majority have proven to be wonderful doctors, although they prefer apothecaries (which they are also great at). NeatWings, live on the head and neck, which is all white and gray concrete city. They can clean anything just by saying it. Like a one-purpose animus. So you say like, "Table, dust yourself." and all the dust disappears, or you say "Garden, pull the weeds." And it weeds itself. So useful, yet so... NeatWing-only-like. And last, but not least, ShipWings. They live on the back legs and tail, making their homes in the many, many, many caves there are in their territory full of valleys and cliffs and gorges. It's very beautiful. First of all, ShipWings ship everything (just like the fandom). And second of all, they are sooooooooo dramatic. They are mostly dramatic in every way, but more so when it comes to ships. they're like waghh my friend shipped me and this random dragon and then my other friend shipped me with someone else and now i don't know what to doooooo!!!!!!! and stuff.
Anayway that's really it for this part, I'll make sure to elaborate on all the new fantribes here that i haven't mentioned before!!! okay now i stop writing

My Book Of Random Thoughts And Ideas
CasualeThis is my book of random. Whether it's some crazy future idea or a meme that's been stuck in my head that I've wanted to make, it'll be here. I don't know why I'd care if people read my ideas, but eh.