Longing for you

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Yang belum lagi muncul dalam hidup,
Yang belum pernah kita bertentang mata.
Or maybe kita dah pernah berselisih bahu cuma tak sedar bahawa kita akan wujud dalam hidup satu sama lain.

I'm longing for you.
Rindu pada yang tak pernah berjumpa, rindu pada yang tak pasti wujud atau tak. I envied those who has found their love. Who have found their spouse. While I'm still her searching, longing and waiting for you. Can you please come to me now?

Come to me now so that I can give you my all. Can you come to me now, so that I don't have to eat alone all the time. Because I hate it to have my meals alone with just an IPad to keep me company. But my dear lost love, I'm afraid that when the time has finally come for us to meet each other, I'm afraid that I might push you away.

Because the loneliness has become a part of me, and it is extremely hard for me to accept someone new in my life. After all that has happened in the past.

Dear love, when the time has come for us to meet, please be patient with me. At times, i will push you away, I will ask you to leave. Not because I don't love you anymore. But because I'm afraid that I might lose myself all over again when you left later.

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