Chapter 14

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AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, Ashton finally set foot on the forest in Newall Hill again. He remembered the times when he would go hiking with his father and set up a tent on the peak. Things used to be so simple back then. No magic, no overwhelmed worries, and definitely no fussy friend who acted like he was a lot older than him just because he was a senior.

"You're late, Groves," said Leon, who was leaning against one of the trees. At first, he opposed the idea of hiking for the sake of a quiet discussion with his distant relatives, but when he was up here, he felt an incredibly fresh air that automatically filtered his lungs clean.

"Sorry, my printer was stuck," panted Ashton. He took out a folder from his bag and gave it to Mick. "I found the history of Darkwell General Hospital."

Mick was sitting on a piece of tree trunk that probably fell down because of a storm. When raining, Newall Hill was dangerous to go through because of the trees that were prone to lightning and strong wind. Good thing Mick found them a safe place that could also protect them from Leon's sudden nature rage.

When Mick opened the folder, Leon rushed to sit next to him. They found some printed articles in it.

"Darkwell General Hospital is the oldest building in the town," Mick recited the first paragraph. "This old photograph proves that the building has been existed since the 19th century and is going through several renovations."

Flipping the page, Mick and Leon found a colorless old photo—a small wooden house with a line of people in front of it.

"It was only a house back then," Leon summed up. "Glenda Waytten probably lived in this time, right?"

"Right," Ashton confirmed. "My dad said that it used to be a sacred place. I have yet to find whose house it belonged to, but it's certain that ever since the Waytten family came, Darkwell had become a place for warlocks and witches. Glenda's power attracted them to come and seek shelters here."

"So, it's not impossible that this town still has some magic left," Mick said, "which means... whoever sent the dark magic isn't just limited to warlocks and witches."

"The Descendants can do it too," added Ashton. "There could be some Descendants who are practicing warlocks and witches—they're not born with magic power, but they learn the magic."

"Wait, where did you find this article again?" Leon asked.

"Oh, it's from the internet. It's only one Google search away, except for the magic part—Dad knew from his mother," Ashton replied.

Leon opened his mouth and glanced at Mick. "From the internet, Mick!" He let out an exaggerated gasp. "Not from a dusty old book in an even older library which shelves could fall down on us any second!"

Mick grumbled, "It's worth a try. Besides, you didn't do anything back then, only whining."

"Actually, I'm planning to go to the library to find out more. I think I work better with books than all of you," Ashton shrugged.

Leon twitched, kind of offended with that statement. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Great job, Ash. Don't forget about what I asked you before," said Mick.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need that folder back." Ashton moved his fingers—the folder on Mick's hand closed by itself and ascended slowly. It floated and flew to Ashton's hands.

"Show off," Leon seethed. "Didn't you tell me not to use my power when I was pranking Ryder?"

Mick glared. "You what?"

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