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S O P H I A | new girl fucks broken boy

The party was off to an odd start to say the least. 

The air in the greenhouse was cold. Which made the tension a little deeper. Carter's eyes were making me weak. I could feel my legs throbbing. I could feel my heart practically beating out of my chest. I was pissed at him. I had trouble keeping up with my argument because of the way he was looking at me.

 I can't deny that I'm not physically attracted to him. How could you not be? Anyone with a brain would find Carter objectively attractive.

His piercing hazel eyes and tan, toned body which is totally sculpted to perfection. His raven hair which he kept running his hands through. When he does it I catch a glimpse of two silver rings on his index and ring finger. Okay, that's pretty hot.

What? I'm a girl. I have hormones. I'm not going to deny when someone is attractive. His personality on the other hand is not so pretty. He's so cocky and his attitude is so frustrating. It makes me want to rip my hair out, where does he get off thinking that he drag me outside into this musty greenhouse filled with half dead plants.

I continue to yell about how disrespectful he's being when I realize that he's just staring at me, a mindless expression on his face. 

Is he seriously spacing out on me? The nerve on this asshole. 

I snap my fingers. "Hello Carter, are you even listening to me?" He shakes his head, coming out of his daze. Asshole. 

I roll my eyes, "Whatever this is a waste of my time." I scowl, just wanting to go back to my friends. This is pointless, our argument was pretty one sided anyways.

He grabs my wrist pulling me back to him. My body stiffens as his fingers squeeze around my wrist. 

I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. Something triggers inside of me, something I haven't felt in a long time. 

When he grabbed me, I heard something echo in my head that I've tried so hard to never hear again. I hear the sick, cold laugh that poisoned my dreams for months. The laugh that I'd finally managed to push away and forget about. 

I pierced my ears, taunting me. The voice that I will never forget.

Worthless bitch

Wow you must be pretty stupid?

I feel like an invisible hand is clamped over my mouth, suffocating me. Killing me. 

I can't catch my breath. 

If you cry, you're weak. 

"Sophia..." Concern and regret take over him as he quickly lets go and moves his hand on my shoulder but I flinch. I can feel him awkwardly move backwards. 

"I'm sorry if I did anything-" I cut him off. "No it's just... This was a mistake. I need to get out of here." He winces at my words but right now I don't care. I need to get the hell out of here.

He tells me what to do and I leave through the back undetected. I hold back vomit that threatens to come up. Tears spill down my cheeks, muffled cries escape my mouth. I haven't been touched like that since that night.

I check my phone, brushing away the wave of emotions that hit me so suddenly. I noticed Paige had called me. The phone rings a few times before she picks up. "What's up Paige?" I'm able to steady my voice.

"I'm just checking in, wow it's so loud there." She laughs, the faint sound of the TV playing in the background

"Yeah I know. How's Liam?" I catch my breath. I didn't exactly tell Liam where I was going and I'm just praying that Paige manages to keep her mouth shut. 

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