Chapter 1: The Reunion

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Charity looked up at the doors of her old home with a blank expression. She didn't want to go in, but she knew she had to. So she opened the gates to go into the house. As she entered the large opening room, the first person Charity saw was Vanya. Her face brightened almost immediately.

"Vanya? Is that really you?" She smiled. Vanya wiped around at the sound of her voice, her face brightening.

"Charity? Oh, my gosh, hi." She breathed. Charity tried to stop a smile as she grabbed two pieces of taffy from her pocket.

"You remember when these were basically illegal?" She asked, tossing one over to Vanya. She nodded, looking it over.

"Yeah. Oh my gosh I remember we had to sneak these in our rooms to eat them." Vanya mumbled, half to herself. She twisted the the piece of taffy between her fingers a few times before opening it slowly and popping the small candy into her mouth. Closing her eyes, a small smile crept on Vanya's face as the taffy melted, becoming softer and more chewable. She savored the taste in her mouth before swallowing and opening her eyes to meet Charity's again.

"You bring enough for the rest of us?" Charity heard a voice from behind her and turned around.

"Well it's good to see you too brother." She said with sarcasm. Diego made his way down the rest of the stairs and pointed to Vanya.

"She shouldn't be here, not after what she did." He didn't even look at her for very long, just walked right by.

"Diego! Not now." Charity sighed, annoyed he was already starting something. He just looked over to her and scoffed, walking out of the room.

"M-Maybe he's right. I probably shouldn't be here." Vanya tried to leave, but Charity quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"No, you should be here. You're family, weather they like it or not. Even if they're not, I'm happy that you're here." She smiled. Vanya softly smiled back, mumbling a "thank you."

"Hey, I'm going to find the others. I'll be back!" Charity slowly backed towards the stairs, and Vanya nodded, wandering off to look at their old home.

Charity walked up the stairs, just as she got to the top she ran into Allison. Allison looked down at her.

"Hey Charity." She said awkwardly.

"Hey Allison." Charity greeted back, just as awkwardly. They were never the closest as kids, she wasn't really close with any of her other siblings except for Vanya and Klaus. That's who she really wanted to see.

"Where umm... Where's your mask?" Allison asked.

"Oh." Charity reached into her small bag with a few belongings in it and grabbed a smaller box. She opened it and inside was her mask, "Right here." She closed the box back up and put it back in her bag, zipping the top up as well.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a box for it now." Allison smiled a bit. Charity nodded.

"Yeah, I just got it a year or two ago actually." She explained, and Allison nodded.

"Well, I'm going to find the others. See you later." Charity waved awkwardly. Allison nodded and they walked past each other, Charity to find the others, and Allison downstairs.

As Charity wandered through the halls, she couldn't help but remember her time here. Of course, not a lot of them were good memories, but they were memories non the less, and this seem to be the best place to think about them. She could hear noises from her father's office, and went to see who it was. Klaus.

"Well well well. Look who it is." She leaned against the door frame and smiled. Klaus looked up from what he was doing.

"Charity! My dear, dear sister." He greeted. From the band on his wrist, he had obviously just gotten out of rehab, but she wouldn't mention that.

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