Chapter 7: Yay Sisters And Playing Detective

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Charity was still reeling from the information Pogo had just told her about Luther. How does it even work? She thought. It's doesn't make any sense.

When she was younger, poetry had always been a thing that had interested Charity. So she brought out an old notebook and began writing one that just came to mind. She found herself going away from the poetry part, and just starting to doodle on the page, over the words and around the lines. That was, until the phone on her desk. So she picked up.

"Hello?" Charity said into the phone.

"Hi, Charity." It was Allison, which surprised Charity.

"Hey Allison. What's up, did something happen?" She asked, concerned.

She could almost see Allison shake her head, "No no, nothing happened." Charity sighed in relief, "I just wanted to ask... I'm going out with Vanya for a drink. Do you want to come with?" Charity smiled at the thought. Allison seemed to be making an effort at being more of a sister now they were all together again, and Charity was happy about that.

"Yeah, sure. Where are you guys right now?" She asked.

"At a magazine stand outside Vanya's rehearsal. Do you know where that is?"

"Yeah. See you there."

"Bye sis."

"Bye." Charity hung up, standing up from her desk. Not before looking at what she had done to the page of her notebook. There were words that she had scribbled down subconsciously, but she couldn't make many out. The only things she could make out were,

Ma— base— sound— Vanya.

Everything else was scribbled out, or not readable. Vanya? Charity thought to herself. I didn't even have her on the mind. Why'd I write her name down? It was a mystery, and Charity had no idea. Maybe it didn't matter. It didn't look like it mattered, and Charity didn't even have time to figure it out. She still had to meet Vanya and Allison. So she got herself ready. Just before she left, she made the last minute decision to take the piece of paper with the writing she just wrote on it, planing to at least look at it, maybe show Vanya and Allison, while they were out.

Maybe they would have an idea?


"Leonard wouldn't, I mean I can't even imagine." Vanya said. Allison and Vanya were talking about... Something. Charity wasn't really 100% paying attention, she was too deep in thought. Though, she could still hear them, she didn't say anything.

"Uh, I get it. I don't wanna believe it either, but why would he tell you he's going to work, and then all of the sudden he's letting herself into your place?" Allison asked.

"To use the bathroom? Like he said?" Vanya was defending him. Charity didn't have anything to say. She never met the guy, but from what she could tell, Vanya liked him, and Allison was skeptical. It's not like she could have much of her own opinion, as, again, she's never met him.

Allison sighed, "Or to creep around?"

"He wouldn't." Vanya shook her head.

"Rifle through your stuff? Maybe steal something? I mean... Jerk off on your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear?" Allison's words made Charity smile ever so slightly, but nothing more, which was odd for her. With her amazing, in Charity's words, sense of humor, Charity would giggle at a blank wall if she thought of the right thing. So not laughing at something like "jerking of to your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear" didn't go unnoticed by her sisters, but they brushed it off. Thinking she just didn't hear or something.

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