Chapter 9: The Day That Was

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Wednesday, 8:15 am (again)

Charity could hear the muffled voices of her siblings talking downstairs after Vanya and Leonard left, but she didn't pay much attention until she heard a bang. She would have gotten up to check it out, but her breakfast of sugared strawberries and blueberries in a bowl in front of her seemed more appealing then whatever it was siblings were doing downstairs. Food was always more appealing.

Just as she got done, the door burst open, Five, being the first one to be at her bedside.

"Why hello there brother." Charity saluted lazily. He looked at her for a moment, sympathy in his face, but shook it off and showed her a piece of paper. She took it and looked at what was written.

Reassignment: Protect Harold Jenkins

"Harold Jenkins? Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Charity asked. Five took the paper back, folding it and putting it in his pocket.

"The man responsible for the apocalypse." He answered her question. Charity nodded, confused, but she was trying to not show it.

"We need you to come with us. Can you walk?" Five asked. Charity laughed, sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"Oh yes." She nodded.

Five pointed to the walking stick, "What about that?"

"Oh. That." Charity sighed, "Pogo wants me to use it. He thinks it'll help, or something."

"But it wasn't a leg injury."

"Exactly! So I'm not going to use it." Charity stood up, "Alright, let's go."


With Diego driving, Five in the front seat, and Allison and Charity in the back, they pulled up to a police station.

"I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record," Diego said, unbuckling himself, "We just gotta get out hand on his file."

"And your plan is to what?" Allison asked, "Waltz in there and just ask for it?"

"In this station like the back on my hand, sis." Diego insisted, "I've spent a lot of time inside."

"Handcuffed." Allison pointed out. Charity snickered. It was true, Patch had told her all about it before.

"Whatever. Here's the plan." Diego brushes both of them off.

"Plan?" Five asked, "I'm just gonna blink in and get the file."

"No, that's not.." Diego trailed off a little, "You don't know the ins and outs of this place, alright?"

"I literally just did this yesterday." Five looked back at the slightly confused faces of his siblings, "My yesterday, not your yesterday. It'll take me two seconds. Why don't I just go?"

"Listen to me. You are not going on there." Diego and Five were talking over each other, and Charity rolled her eyes. They didn't have time for this, if it was really important like Five said it was.

"I made a call." Diego said, "Thats what a leader does. He leads." Diego opened the door and left, leaving his three siblings sitting there in the car. So they got out, and waited for him to get back. Five was leaning on a wall, along with Charity next to him, and Allison was at the phone calling someone. Charity couldn't help but listen to what she was saying, hoping it wasn't personal.

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