Chapter 8: The Day That Wasn't

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It was dark. Too dark. To Charity, it felt like she was swimming in a pitch black ocean, but she wasn't scared. She felt... Free. A sweet, calm kind of free. A small light, like a firefly, but it was white, turned on like a little lantern.

Charity "swam" over to it, and reached out to touched it. From the wonder on her face, you would have thought Charity was a little kid. She felt like it. She'd almost forgotten what had happened, and why she was here in the first place.

As she touched the little glowing light, it turned a light shade of purple, and another white light showed up not to far away. Charity "swam" over to that one, touched it, and that one turned a darker shade of purple. Like last time, another white light showed up, and like last time, Charity reached out and touched it. Darkest shade of purple. Above the first light, came another. Charity kept touching the lights. That one turned light shade of blue. Charity touched another one above the second one. A darker shade of blue. Above the third one, the darkest shade of blue.

Charity almost started to forget everything that happened. Making these white lights turn different colors, it was almost comforting. Though, after the blue, it started getting weird. Red, but every time she touched the lights to turn them red, it hurt. She had to do it, something was pushing her to touch the lights. So she pushed through and touched them anyway.

After she touched them all, brief memories of her siblings and her friends flashed through her memory. Some good, some bad, some neutral, but all memories.

It all led up to things she's never seen before. One "memory" went on so much longer then the others. She could move in this one, so she took the opportunity. Though she couldn't hear anything, seeing was more than enough. Vanya seemed to be locked up, in a vault of some kind. Luther, Diego, Klaus, Allison were there, but right now, Charity's focus was on Vanya. She was crying and screaming to be let out of whatever that place was. Charity looked behind her when Vanya got more frantic, and her heart shattered. Everyone was walking away, but she couldn't see herself. Charity looked back in the vault window to Vanya. She was pacing now, still crying, like before, but away from the window. Before Charity could look at anything else, the "memory" faded.

"Vanya?" Charity called, almost on impulse. If her sister was stuck somewhere, and no one else bothered to help her, she would help her herself.

"Vanya!" She called again, louder this time, but her voice didn't go anywhere. It didn't bounce back to her, it didn't seem to just travel off to no where, it just stopped.

Everything went away again, and Charity was back "swimming" in the darkness. This time, instead of acting like a lost puppy, she had some fun with it. Swimming around like she was a dolphin, giggling to her self and only wishing someone else was here to enjoy it with her.

In the distance, she saw a bright, white light. Not like the small ones she touched and they turned different colors, but a big, bright one. She felt the need to go to it. So she did. "Swimming" over to it, and only hoping that it wasn't death.

The closer she got, the more she thought she heard voices. They were muffled at first, but grew louder the closer she got.

"How long has she been asleep?" She heard someone ask, though she couldn't make out who exactly it was.

"A day now. She should recover just fine, we just need to keep an eye on her." Another responded. Wanting to get back to the real world, Charity went quicker towards the light. Once she reached it, she stepped through, and she could feel again.

She slowly opened her eyes, keeping them squinted because of the sudden bright light, and moved her head to look around.

"Where am I?" Charity asked. Once she could fully see, she saw the three people in the room. Allison, Pogo, and... Her mother.

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