Chapter 10

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Sophia pov

We were all now talking about how, Bryce almost fought sabestian "but uhm Sophia I just don't get one thing.." Ava asked and everyone went quiet and i just looked at her... "what happened the day of you know what day..." my phone fell to the ground "why do you need to bring that up." I asked her very serious "I-I just wanted to know w-what happened.." she said "yea uh so when I said that to the teacher she called my parents... and my mom wasn't the happiest... s-she... wasn't happy with who I was so she.... she separated Riley and I... she didn't wanted Riley to get the energie I had to talk... my dad tried to change her but it didn't work so the only thing I could do was change myself..." I said and a tear left my eye... "...what did the principal say to you?" Olivia asked soft "she was really disappointed in y'all... she wanted me to stay but my mom couldn't stand any longer in that school after what I said... I was terrified from even being in the hallway without people walking by telling me I'm worthless... my mom never forgave you two for making my life a living hell... but she knows you guys weren't the worst ones... cause when we got home my dad talked to me and I needed to tell him who made me feel worthless the most..." I said looking down... "soph... I-I didn't knew other one people bullied you..." Olivia said "it was... Mabel.." I said and a tear left my eyes and I stood up grabbing my phone "can I have a second" I said and walked out to the nearest bathroom... someone followed me... but I didn't bother to look... I looked at myself in the mirror of the bathroom... and then someone opened the door... I looked up seeing Olivia... "why did Mabel bullied you?" She asked closing the door and sitting next to me on the ground... " I was bi... and she didn't approve of that... so she... started to... to hurt me.." I said and tears left my eyes "w-what do you mean?" Olivia asked "s-she slapped me... made me feel weak... s-she used to hit me untill she saw blood.." I said crying my heart out... "oh my... Sophia why didn't you tell me!" She asked me crying and hugging me "I was ashamed of myself I wanted to die I wanted to have a happy ever after in my dreams I wanted to see... someone else I found myself worthless,ugly not worth to even be on the earth! I hated myself..." I said standing up crying "soph.." she said "no stop I don't need a pep talk... I'm okay. The only thing that makes me happy right now is Payton, he cares... he saw me crying and never asked why I was crying cause he understands me..." I said... "he's not other boys saying wanna talk about this later? And then getting mad because you didn't tell them earlier he's the one... the person I need..." I said crying and Olivia hugged me really tight "ur amazing and I just want you to be happy now..." we pulled away and I smiled at her and we both washed our face... and we cleaned our face up and you could tell we both cried but not allot... we walked out the bathroom to the table and it was pretty quiet... we both sat back and Olivia just looked at me "what?" I asked her and everyone payed attention "nothing" she said looking at me I looked on my phone and then I said "I can feel your eyes on me what's wrong?" I asked and she grabbed her phone and texted me saying...

Did Ava cut her wrist... again? I can see blood on her hoodie...

Wait what!

I looked at Olivia and she pointed her head to the right side I looked and saw Ava looking on her hand and then I saw red... "what the fuck" I said soft but everyone heard and Olivia nodded... "what's wrong?" Jaden asked looking at us both... I could tell Ava notice us looking at her... Olivia looked at me and like we were kids and I could tell what she said... we did hand things to each other... and I told her she should do something about it and then something hit me... I grabbed my phone

Wdym again?

She cut her wrist in middle school...


She was depressed because actually I don't know why...

"Shit" i said and I did a hand thing to Olivia saying we should say something about it and Olivia nodded "so what is happening here because you guys are doing hand signals to each other and it has been pretty quiet here..." Sophie asked standing up "uh-" Olivia said and I looked at her and sended her a signal saying don't tell Ava will hate us both forever and Olivia nodded "Ava.." I looked at Olivia with the face saying wtf... "can we talk..." Olivia asked and Ava weirdly enough agreed... they both stood up and Ava already walked and Olivia sended me a hand sigh saying girl this is going wrong watch me fight her in a sec... I looked at her and sended one back saying if you fight her yell my name... she nodded and walked after Ava "wtf how did you understand what she just said?" Anthony said confused "it's a bestfriend thing I should learn rose it.." she laughed and nodded "but what's wrong?" Josh asked and I looked on my phone "big boobs? Chauw anyways so" and piper laughed knowing the drill... Ava walked in with a mad face "Sophia what the fuck!" I looked at her confused "what?" I asked and Olivia walked to us "don't act like you don't know!" I was so confused... Olivia sended me a hand sigh saying she fucked up... "I actually don't know just tell me!" I said standing up "oh so you wanna fight me now?" Ava asked intimidating "no what the- what did I do?" I asked her and she then said "fight me" I looked at Olivia "why would I fight you!" I yelled to her " because, fight me" I looked at her confused and she then said the thing that I wanted to hit her face of her body... "well I told Mabel the secret and that's the reason she did that to you..." I looked at her and grabbed my glass and trew it at her and grabbed more glass trowing it at her "YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH!" I yelled trowing glasses at her and jaden tried holding me back but I kick his balls and ran to Ava and tried beating her up but Bryce held me back "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE AFTER EVERYTHING YOU TOLD HER! MOTHERFUCKING ASS IM HAPPY WHAT HAPPENED ON THE 7th OF APRIL YOU DESERVED IT!" I yelled to her and then Olivia said "oh shit you shouldn't of said that.." and then Ava tried fighting me back but Olivia held her back "WELL IM HAPPY ABOUT WHAT YOUR DAD TOLD ME!" I stopped talking "THE FUCK DID HE TELL YOU?" I yelled back... "well he told me..." she then texted it to me... and the only thing I could say is "I hate you." I told her and she then said "hate ur dad for saying that shit!" I looked at her and almost hit her but Payton held my hand... everyone was standing waiting for something to happen and then my dad walked in with his wife and said "my plane got delayed- what happened here?" He asked and Bryce and everyone let go and I looked into my dad eyes "Did you mean what you told Ava?" He looked at me and then at a bloody Ava... "no honey I didn't mean it.." I looked at him "why did you Even think about it... why did you even told her.." I asked him and not a word came out and I walked out of the house... I grabbed my skateboard and went skating away from this neighborhood... I wanted my old life back... I wanted to feel loved... I grabbed my phone and called.... Brandon Rowland ...

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