Chapter 13

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Sophia pov

We woke up and I chose a eagle outfit color
I wore this

We woke up and I chose a eagle outfit colorI wore this

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And my hair like this

And brushed my teeth and did my face cream to keep my face clean and walked into the hall and I saw ms

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And brushed my teeth and did my face cream to keep my face clean and walked into the hall and I saw ms. Osmond and he smiled at me "you look good as a eagle if something wrong my office is there." I smiled and nodded and I saw Brooke "hey soph so how are you?" I smiled "good how are you?" She smiled and said "same let's go and eat breakfast together..." I nodded and she took my hand and we walked into the breakfast room and I sat next to Parker and she sat next to Daniel...we were just eating while I was eating fruits to keep my mind going.... after that I was done... I got a text on my Louise it was max? Hey, Jackie and I wanted to get to know you and Haley and Leo so we are meeting at the beach in a hour... be there i read and sended a okay back... "so Sophia I found this interesting video of you singing a original song?" Parker said showing his Louis... and he putted the volume on high so you heard me singing while asher looked at me

Everyone just heard the video but didn't see who sang it... "wow who ever sang that songs amazing" ms. Osmond said walking past and Daniel immediately said "it's Sophia singing" everyone looked at me and Brooke laughed ... "you sang amazing" Leo said... everyone went into there own thing and Parker said "that was amazing..." I thanked him and Sophie and Alex walked our way and Sophie said "I just posted you on my blog you have so many talents" I smiled soft and Brooke and I went to dunkin before Alex could say something "I think Alex likes you..." she said while we were walking... "it's been a day..." I said and she laughed "yea but Alex his attention went to you immediately... so wanna be bestfriends?" I smiled and nodded and we got our drinks... "can you do any type of sports?" She asked me and I nodded " I can play basketball and can do soccer... you?" She laughed "i swim" I laughed and we walked back to the green house to our first lesson... "so you guys will compete to each other and we will choose a knew leader for each group!" And then Daniel stood up "why do we need a new leader?" He asked pissed "because it's time for a new leader. For each team so if you wanna be leader stand up..." Haley stood up by the ravens and nobody stood up by the eagles... " maybe they just want me as there leader still" Daniel said "I will choose the eagle leader on my own can Parker, Sophia and Alex stand up." His assistent said "you three are most likely to step into Daniels foot steps..." Daniel looked offended what made the ravens laugh. "You guys will do a test not just one but 3 tests to see who is a born eagle leader." Then ms. Osmond said "follow me to a class room, after that the score will be seen in this room with everyone... there are cameras everywhere so the ravens and eagles will see who wins.." we followed him after he talked and I could see that the cameras started and the ravens and eagles see us on the screen... we went to his office and you saw 3 screens with questions... "okay if you have all these questions right you must finish the parcours on The beach... after that you need to come back here with the flag and need to finish a riddle..." everyone nodded and "START NOW!" I ran to the a screen saying my name and did the questions... and had one wrong... who has survived a satellite crash? I clicked on Alex his mom and it was correct... I was the first on done... I ran to the beach really fast and saw cameras following me... I did the parkour but it was really hard... after a few minutes I had the flag... and ran back into the house to his office and handed him the flag seeing Parker and Alex still doing the quiz... "David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle, and _____?" I laughed "David" and he smiled at me and yelled "SOPHIA WINS" and Alex and Parker hugged me... and we went back to the classroom... and everyone clapped and Parker and Alex sat down and me too "so the new eagle leader is Sophia reeves!" His assistant said... and Daniel clapped for me... knowing I would do a good job... after class ms. Osmond gave me my new Louis and he told me that I had allot of information with me so I shouldn't loose it... I walked back to the eagles and Parker said "how could you know the answers to a question I couldn't have even known 1 of them!" Alex nodded "me too and how did you run that parcours so fast! And the riddle I can't even imagine knowing that so fast" I laughed "my sister used to train my brains until I was smarter then her and I ran parcours with my little step brother from 8 he loves doing stuff like that and the riddle was the most simplest riddle ever boys." I said and Brooke hugged me and said "good job leader." I laughed and said "so Daniel what do I need to know as a leader?" He laughed "not much I can write it down for you?" I smiled and nodded... and we heard a knock Brooke opened and you saw my dad, Anthony, Josh and Michelle... "we heard you are the new leader of the eagles so here cake to celebrate it with the eagles..." Parker immediately stood up hearing the word cake... "thanks dad!" I said and grabbed the cake and then Michelle said "where's Haley?" I smiled and she walked to another door and I heard Haley yelling... Brooke walked to me and said "who's the boy next to you dad?" I laughed and said "Josh meet Brooke !" Josh walked to Brooke and they talked... and I cut a slice for Parker and he said "this cake is so good.." I laughed and I cut one for Daniel... and the rest of the eagles... "so little sister how's being a eagle?" I laughed "it's really fun! I already love these people.." he smiled and Alex walked up to us and I said "Alex meet my brother Anthony" Alex and Anthony did a bro hand thing... and I smiled a little and they talked while my dad talked to Alex his parents and ms. Osmond... then emma walked in and said "oh my- sway boys! Can I maybe get a selfie with you two?" Anthony and josh laughed and took a selfie with Emma and Parker searched them up "Josh Richards worth over the 16 million, Anthony reeves worth over the 16 million" everyone laughed and after a minute Josh and Anthony left... with my dad and Michelle.... "ur family is so nice!" Daniel said... eating the cake... "but josh tho!" Brooke whispered to me "yea I could tell he's in to you!" She smiled and Alex hugged me from behind... after eating all the food we all went to have fun...

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