Chapter 41

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"Sachie..." Fuyuhime said. Sachie sat on the bed while reading a few books. Fuyuhime pouted and walked up to her then got on her bed. Sachie kept her focus on the book until Fuyuhime grabbed her book
"Sachie..." Fuyuhime said
"Mm" Sachie said
"Why do you keep reading these silly romance books? Do you still not understand your emotions?" Fuyuhime asked
"...a little" Sachie said as she looked away
"Haaah is an amazing feeling. Those small little heartbeats whenever you see that just feels like you're on a cloud" Fuyuhime said. Sachie only seemed confused and got her book back
"Why read books when you can do it?" Fuyuhime asked
"You didn't like it...remember?" Sachie asked
"I didn't like it at first because I thought you were thinking about someone else. And because I thought you had a crush on someone else..." Fuyuhime said
"Forget it..." Sachie said and kept reading
"But didn't you say you liked me?" Fuyuhime asked
"I still need to think about this...we're kids" Sachie said
"You're right but...if we still love each other then that means...I can marry you right?" Fuyuhime asked
"You want to marry me?" Sachie asked
"Yes!" Fuyuhime said
"I'll think about it.." Sachie said
"But it's a yes right?" Fuyuhime asked
"I said I'll think about it" Sachie said and kept reading. Fuyuhime only sighed and grabbed a book to read
"Mm...these look huge" Fuyuhime said and opened the book skipping a few pages
Intimate Night?
"He pinned her against the wall and kissed her? Is that what you were trying to do?" Fuyuhime asked and Sachie snatched the book from her
"Don't read this..." Sachie said
"Why not? Is it bad?" Fuyuhime asked
"It just has...a few weird things" Sachie said as her cheeks burned up a bit and trembled
"Huh? Weird things? Hmm? Sex?" Fuyuhime asked. Sachie jumped and looked at Fuyuhime surprised
"What?" Sachie asked
"What? Do you know how babies are made or how we were-"
"I know that come you know?" Sachie asked
"I just know a little from a book at my library" Fuyuhime said
"Do your parents know?" Sachie asked
"Nope" Fuyuhume said as she smiled softly. Sachie only shook her head and kept reading
"Do you really want to know those feelings?" Fuyuhime asked
"I just want to understand them" Sachie said
"We can do a little more testing" Fuyuhime said
"We already tried but I still don't have a cl-mmph!" Sachie's eyes widened as Fuyuhime kissed her but this time she felt something moist and warm
W-wait...what is this?
Fuyuhime licked her tongue slowly and wrapped it around her tongue as well. Sachie pushed her and covered her mouth as she trembled
"Wh-what was that?" Sachie asked as she trembled
"A french kiss" Fuyuhime giggled and licked her lips
"Fr-french kiss?" Sachie asked
"Yes" Fuyuhime said and touched her lips
Her tongue...on mine
"And when will you two notice I'm here?" Asuka asked. Sachie jumped and trembled seeing her sister
"Ah! Hi Asuka" Fuyuhime said
"How long have you been standing there?" Sachie asked
"Long enough seeing you two kiss. What the fuck have you two been doing alone?" Asuka asked as she looked disgusted
"Aww are you jealous that your sister is able to get a kiss while you can't even get Hina to like you?" Fuyuhime asked
"Shut up psycho before I fucking kick your ass" Asuka growled
"Careful with your language" Sachie said
"Don't tell me what to fucking do. Our parents are busy" Asuka said
"But should be careful unless you want another lecture from mother" Sachie said
"Tch..wonder why mom doesn't get any lectures" Asuka said
"She does get lectured...through hits" Sachie said
"Asuka, do you need some helpful tips on how to make Hina fall for you?" Fuyuhime asked
"I don't need your god damn help. Hina will fall for me especially when I grow older and get a stronger. Her eyes will be on me the whole time" Asuka said
"Good luck" Sachie said
"I don't need your damn luck" Asuka said
"Damn...why are you always aggressive?" Fuyuhime asked
"Not my fault...anyways why do you have books? The twins said they found you in the library" Asuka said
"Sachie was just confused about her feelings and thought the books would help her understand" Fuyuhime said and giggled
"Momokino..." Sachie growled
"Pfft! Wait you're reading romance books just because you like someone?" Asuka asked as she laughed a bit
"Don't laugh and no. I don't like anyone..." Sachie said
"Yeah like I'll believe that. You were just making out with the psycho a minute ago" Asuka said
"Because Sachie is mine" Fuyuhime said and climbed on her lap
"Did you really fall for her?" Asuka asked
"I'm still thinking..." Sachie said
"Oh Sachie...I don't get why you need to think. There is no need to think about it...just give in" Fuyuhime said and smiled softly
"...I still need to think though" Sachie said
"Yeah while you study about love or whatever. I'll be outside. Anyways don't cause problems psycho" Asuka said as she left the room
"Good luck with Hina!" Fuyuhime said
"Shut up!" Asuka growled and kept walking away
"Why is Asuka like this?" Fuyuhime asked
"Because she doesn't like to get embarrassed and tries to hide it by screaming at your face" Sachie said
"Doesn't she annoy you though? I mean you're the oldest and she is suppose to respect you" Fuyuhime said
"It's fine. I still love her and care about her" Sachie said
"You're really caring..." Fuyuhime said and hugged her
"Mm...mind letting me go?" Sachie asked
"Aww why?" Fuyuhime asked
"Pl-please" Sachie said
"You're no fun..." Fuyuhime whined and sighed as she laid down on her bed. Sachie only trembled a bit and stood up
"I need to use the bathroom..." Sachie said as she grabbed her stomach
Ugh...did I eat too much chocolate? It hurts...
"Huh? Sachie is everything okay?" Fuyuhime asked
"Stay there and let me use the bathroom..." Sachie said and went to the bathroom. She closed the door and went to do her business but froze
"Uh....F-fuyuhime" Sachie said
"What? Sachie is everything okay?" Fuyuhime asked
"G-get my parents quick..." Sachie said
"What's wrong? Did-"
"Just get them please!" Sachie said
"A-ah! Okay!" Fuyuhime said and left. Sachie was in the bathroom and trembled a little
What is happening to me?

"So how is your Queen doing?" Nitski asked
"It's fine..." Matsuri said as her face reddened
"It must be doing very fine with Mitsuko around" Nitski giggled
"Shut up" Matsuri said and noticed Liana
"Ah! Liana, is Sachie doing okay?" Matsuri asked
"Sachie is just growing up. It's that time of the month for her now" Liana said
" it's that" Matsuri said
"Hm? What?" Nitski asked
"A thing that happens to mortals at a certain age when their body is changing" Matsuri said
"Explain" Nitski said
"Liana...mind explaining it" Matsuri said
"Very well...anyways humans" Liana began to explain the process of the human body
"EW! GROSS!" Nitski exclaimed
"What the fuck..." Juhin said as he looked traumatized
"Yeah...I know" Matsuri said
"Wait...Mitsuko is human right? So does that mean..." Nitski said
"Yes. She has it too. Mitsuko marks it so I can somewhat predict when it'll happen.'ll happen in a few days" Matsuri said and shivered
"That's gross...good thing us vampires don't have it. Since I turned Cyndi into a complete vampire that means she doesn't have it" Nitski said
"And Ortho is a guy" Juhin said
"Hooray for you both" Matsuri said
" does it work? Sachie is born half vampire and witch right? So where is the human part at?" Nitski asked
"Sachie must have human organs or something" Liana said
"Since Liana said that they have mood swings. Does Mitsuko act differently during those days?" Nitski asked
"...Mitsuko whines, complains, and cries. If I don't give her food or treat her well...I'm in for a beating" Matsuri said
"I'm sorry you have to go through this..." Nitski said and patted her head
"Stop treating me like a little girl" Matsuri said
"Right. Two years?" Nitski asked
"How have you been handling this situation?" Liana asked
"I'm fine. No need to's just the struggle to contain myself from killing or beating anyone. Anyways I'll check up on Sachie. Has Mitsuko explained the situation to Sachie?" Matsuri asked
"Yes" Liana said
"Alright" Matsuri said and walked towards Sachie's room where she was lying down on her bed
"Where is my little princess?" Matsuri asked as she knocked on the door and pushed it open
"Hi mom" Sachie said
"Are you doing okay?" Matsuri asked as she walked inside
"Mm...I'm better now but it still hurts" Sachie said
"It'll probably last for a week.." Mitsuko said and stroked her hair softly
" my body going to change?" Sachie asked
"Yes. You're starting to grow up into a young adult so a few things will change" Mitsuko said
"...they're going to grow?" Sachie said as she covered her chest
"Unfortunately yes since you ended up getting your mother's looks but you shouldn't worry. You can beat the shit out of anyone who tries to touch you but...I'll gladly take care of those perverts myself" Matsuri said releasing a dark aura
"Don't worry! That's why she has me" Fuyuhime said
"Eh? Since when did you arrive?" Matsuri asked as she looked at the girl
"I just came to play with Sachie" Fuyuhime said as she smiled
"I'll prepare some warm tea if you'd like" Mitsuko said
"Chocolate..." Sachie said
"No. You had your chocolate for breakfast. Please don't be like Mitsuko and eat's not healthy" Matsuri said
"Why does she get to eat when I can't?" Sachie asked
"Just a little bit okay?" Mitsuko said
"Sure" Sachie said
"Can I have some too?" Fuyuhime asked
"Of course" Mitsuko said as she smiled a little
"Thanks Auntie Mitsuko!" Fuyuhime said. Matsuri looked to the side and noticed some books
"Hey Sachie. Why are there a bunch of books?" Matsuri asked. Sachie's eyes glowed and soon the books vanished
"You used your little time stop eh?" Matsuri asked. Sachie only looked to the side as she trembled a bit
I don't want them to know about that...yet
"Sachie, was reading me my favorite stories" Fuyuhime said
"Why did she hide them?" Matsuri asked
"Enough. Now go get her chocolate and a cup of tea" Mitsuko said as she patted her head
"What?" Matsuri asked and Mitsuko tightened her grip
"Go" Mitsuko said
"Yes ma'am" Matsuri said as she left to get some chocolate then grabbed a maid
"Get her chocolate and tea immediately" Matsuri said
"Yes your highness" The maid said and left
"And what do you want?" Matsuri asked as she looked up
"Wow you're so harsh" Prisma said and flew down then shifted
"What do you want?" Matsuri asked
"How is the 5th Queen doing?" Prisma asked
" know about the legend too?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah I know about the first legendary Queen. I always thought it was a myth after the 4th Queen died and a Queen hasn't appeared until you were gifted with the power" Prisma said
"How many do they know about this?" Matsuri asked
"Have you forgotten how rumors spread?" Prisma asked
"So the vampires know huh?" Matsuri asked
"Also...the Kamenashi is around your territory" Prisma said
"Huh!? That bastard is back?" Matsuri asked
"Well I saw him with a few of his men" Prisma said
"Haaah great..." Matsuri said and walked to the main entrance
"Ah! Hi Matsuri. So ho-"
"Nitski. Juhin. We're leaving" Matsuri said as she snatched her cloak
"Eh? Wait where?" Nitski asked
"Kamenashi is back..." Matsuri said
"Huh?!" Nitski exclaimed
"That asshole? He should've been dead" Juhin said
"Move. Also please take care of Sachie" Matsuri said as she looked at the maid
"I understand your highness" The maid said
"Let's go" Matsuri said and flew out the castle as her body began to shifted into her Queen form
Let's have fun scaring them...

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