Until We Meet Again

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Elsa was staring at a picture. Even though it hurts she still smiled. She loved this picture and will cherish it forever.Jackson Overland. He was elsa's husband. They both loved eachother so much and had 3 children. Elsa tried to distant herself from jack when she first met him but it just kinda happened you know.Elsa have always known that one day jack would grow old and eventually die. Sometimes heck most of the time elsa wished she could become a mortal again, but of course she had to be an immortal.She opened a box at the corner of her room and saw a letter in there.

"I havent open this box in 3 years" Elsa muttered to herself.

In the box was a lot of stuff that jack gave her, but when he died she never came near it again. She saw an unknown letter.She picked it up and sat on her bed. She started at it for a couple of seconds, debating wether she should open it or she should just put it back in the box.After a few seconds she finally opened the letter and read it.

My dear snowflake,

If you find this letter, then theres a big chance that i might be gone. I just wanted to say im sorry for leaving you, love. I wish i could be with you forever but that sadly can not happen, but just remember even though my body isnt there anymore but my love for you will always be there, forever. Love, i know this is hard for you but trust me, with time it gets easier just, never forget me? I hope you never forget about me, but if you do then thats fine im not worth remembering anyways. Take care of our children and the forest, will ya? Of course you will, i know you. Oh also one thing! I have a present for you, i know you said you hate presents and dont like it when people get you things but this one is special, if you look at the very bottom of this box you will find another box, in that box is a very special necklace, keep it safe for me please. Its a necklace that was once my mothers, and now i want you to keep it. Well i cant put everything im thinking in this letter but i know you probably already know everything im thinking. Until we meet again, my love. I love you.


Your Jackson.

"Why did i just open this now?" She whispered to herself, she couldnt hold back her tears anymore.

She put the letter down and looked inside the very bottom of the box. She found another little wooden box that had snowflakes pattern all around it.

She opened it and saw a beatiful necklace. It was a golden chained snowflake necklace with little sparks of glitter. On the back of the pendant there was a writing that said 'My Snowflake'.

( Btw jacks father used to call jacks mom my snowflake and when jack met elsa and found out she had powers of ice and snow, he thought the name would be very fitting).She cried as she held the necklace close to her heart.

"Why must life be so unfair" She cried. She was sad, angry, frustrated, all at once.

Until we meet again, my love.

Elsa heard someone, she turned around and looked around the room but she didnt see anyone, the voice was awfully familiar, could it be?

Elsa smiled to herself as she placed the necklace around her neck. She then closed her eyes and remembered all the memories that she shared with jack.Then she whispered,

"Until we meet again, My love"

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