The Three Lives of Bucky Barnes

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James Buchanan Barnes had been through so much.

Much more than any human being should in their entire lifetime.

To be real, it felt more like he had lived multiple lives, rather than just one.

The first Bucky had been the one to grow up in Brooklyn in the twenties and thirties. The one who helped his mom with cooking despite other boys thinking that was a woman's job. The one who geeked out over science along side his Dad. The one who became Steve's best friend and saved him from being beat up countless times. The one who was a bit of a playboy had often had a new woman on his arm each week. The one who lovingly teased his sister Lucille for her giggle/snort. The one who joked about how his sister Jillian had a crush on any boy near her age in the Brooklyn area. The one who told his youngest sister Rebecca that he promised he would come home once the war was over for their tea party.

But of course, that never happened.

When he fell off the train, he unknowingly entered a new life.

His Hydra life.

The first 20 years consisted of him trying, desperately trying to fight back.

But to no avail.

He gradually succumbed to the brainwashing. With just a couple words, he became a merciless killing machine.

The Winter Solider.

He was on hydra's leash now. Not able to make any choices for himself. He was forced to murder and hurt countless people, including Howard and Maria Stark. And when Hydra didn't need him, they wiped him and put him into cryofreeze, so he wouldn't age.

Bucky was tortured and used by Hydra. He was a puppet on their strings.

For so long, he was not human. He didn't have any memories of his first life.

He was a weapon.

However, for a very brief period of time, he felt human, thanks in part to a certain Russian red head named Natalia Romanova.

The Winter Solider had been assigned to the Red Room, to train the group of women known as The Black Widow's. He was able to overpower almost all of them, except one. When the leaders of both Hydra and the Red Room saw that Natalia Alianovana Romanova was able to hold off the winter Solider, they assigned them to go on missions together. While they were doing these missions, Bucky and Natalia began to fall for each other. They both understood each other, being forced to become weapons for an evil organization, not having any place or people to truly call their own.

They could also see the physical enjoyments of the other.

And for a small period of time, The Winter Solider was human.

However, when word of their romance got through to Hydra and the Red Room, Bucky was immediately taken to be wiped, and Natalia was punished, never to see each other again.

Or so they thought.

Many years passed, the Winter Solider did what he was supposed to do. But when he heard the name "Bucky" from a blonde man he was assigned to kill, he didn't know what to do.

He knew him.

He knew him.

He couldn't remember, but somehow, he knew this man. And the red head he had been fighting, she seemed familiar too.

There was this voice inside of him, telling him that he knew these people. Bucky wasn't sure what that voice was. But it was why he saved that man he had been told to kill.

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