382 Days Ago

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This chapter is short, but I thought it would be a good idea to give a backstory to Noah and Elle's break up a year ago. Enjoy!

Elles POV

382 Days Ago - The Break Up

Three weeks ago my love flew away. As much as I would love to say I was happy for him, and I am happy for him, I can't help but feel disappointed. I know it sounds selfish, but I wanted Noah all to myself, here, in LA.

On the other hand, Noah seems to be doing great. He's already training for his Harvard football season coming up in a few months. Most days he spends 3 to 4 hours training. He has already even found himself a couple of friends, and they hangout basically everyday.

But so far, so good. I'd say this long distance thing could work if we really want it too, and I know we do. We find a way to talk to each other a couple times everyday, and we make sure to call every night.

I'd be lying if I said it was going perfect- cause it definitely was not. We would get into small arguments here and there, mostly pity fights about minor things. Every night we made sure to not go to bed mad at each other, and really emphasize I love you.

As silly as it sounds, Noah and I made a list of rules to follow through this whole long distance stuff. Nothing compared to me and Lee's, and we also weren't going to go complete bat shit if we bended them or broke them. So not necessarily rules, but ways we can keep a healthy relationship.

1. Talk to each other about everything- even if it's a hard topic
2. Find a way to communicate throughout the day- and if you can't, it's okay, just let them know beforehand
3. Stay loyal-  believe and trust what your partner says
4. Find a way to see each other at least once every two months
5. Don't hold back on any fun, opportunities, or any of that matter at home just because your partner isn't with you
6. Never go to bed mad at each other
7. Emphasize I love you
8. Express your feelings even if the results aren't desired
9. If in anyway you feel your being held back, or you don't want in the relationship anymore, don't lead the other on and end things

So that was how Noah and I were going to make things work this year, or maybe even the next 3 years. Noah has been secretly begging me to come to a college near him since we started dating, and who knows what I will decide. I know in the end I was going to have to choose a Flynn brother- but I wasn't going to think about that till I had to.

Suddenly, my phone started vibrating. And I knew it was Noah- not only because I have no life, but he set his ringtone to be special according to him.

"Noah! Hey! Why aren't you to bed silly? We already had our night call, it's nearly 1 over there." I was happy to have him calling me, until the phone call went dead silent and I could here is heavy breathing. "Noah?"

"Elle," he finally choked out. But that's all he managed to say.

"Is everything okay? It seems like there is something wrong," I knew the worry in my voice was apparent. I could feel my heart racing, and it had no reason to be.

Until he said those words.

"I can't do this anymore. We can't do this anymore." There was a pause between the both of us.

"Why, Noah?" I cried. "Did I do something wrong? I promise to do better, I can fix it." At the point, I was sobbing. "Please Noah, lets just talk about this-."

"I'm sorry, Elle. It's just the way it has to be."

"Noah-." I started, but I fell to my knees when I heard that he had hung up. I cried, and cried.

He didn't even give me an explanation.

He just did it.

So, I already planned on skipping all the Flynn holidays and get togethers for as long as possible. I refused to talk to anybody about the breakup, even June. And as much as I wanted to forget about Noah completely and absolutely hate him- I couldn't.

I loved him.

Little did I know, that one day in the future everything would change. Again.

Thank you for reading!! Vote and comment for more! <3

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