Chapter three- should've listened.

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Katelyn and Cassian had ignored the government's warning. They had ignored Ian's commands to go home and stay home. They did what they always did. Which was exactly what they believed to be right.
Parked up in a little lane not far from the latest crime scene, the pair quietly waited in hope of spotting any of the night creatures.
"This is dumb." Katelyn mumbled.
"Well it was your idea." Cassian smiled.
Hour by hour passed, and by midnight they began to wonder if it was a massive waste of time.
"Do you ever wonder what else is out there? Y'know seeing as vampires are really a thing." Cassian questioned curiously.
"Well it is a full moon tonight, maybe we'll see a fucking great werewolf in a bit." Katelyn sarcastically replied.
Cassian yawned and opened the car door.
"What are you doing?" Katelyn questioned. "Get back in the car."
Cassian ignored her and said "I need a piss, I'll be back soon."
He headed towards the woods as Katelyn anxiously waited. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had always been taught about gut feeling and intuition. And that if you feel like you are being watched... then you probably are.
She got out of the car and nervously flashed her torch towards the opening of the forest. "Cass! Hurry up!" She shouted.
A rustle could be heard and katelyn's heart started to beat faster. Adrenaline pumped through her body as she tried to calm her nerves.
Just then Cassian appeared and she let out a sigh of relief. He chuckled and zipped up his trousers before heading towards the car.
"And you pretend you don't care."
Katelyn rolled her eyes and returned to the passenger seat. Absolute fool! Of course I care. She thought to herself.
A few seconds passed and cassian had yet to get into the car. Peering through the driver seat window, she couldn't see him, only darkness.
He's being a prat again, probably trying to scare me.
The full moon was huge tonight, and illuminated the pitch black darkness accompanied by a sky full of beautiful stars and a gentle, cool breeze.
It was a perfect summer's night.
Cassian was nowhere to be seen. Just like that he had silently vanished. He had done this several time's before. Katelyn was naturally jumpy in the dark. She worried about what could be lurking in every dark corner, but Cassian played on it because he would see the vulnerable side to her, instead of the tough persona she played.
Katelyn stayed for a while in the car, waiting for him to jump out and try to scare her. But he never did.
She grabbed her torch and headed for the woods. Searching around for her partner, she made sure she didn't venture too far. She whispered his name over and over, but had no reply.
He wouldn't have kept the joke up for this long she thought to herself, nervously.
The air suddenly began to feel colder, as Katelyn wrapped her arms around herself. She realised that this was a very bad idea, and maybe they should have listened to the warnings to stay at home.
What I wouldn't give to be home right now, sipping an ice cold glass of Pinot Grigio and binge watching some trashy show.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a dark figure rustling in the trees above. Shining the light, Katelyn just caught a glimpse of a sinister face peering down before it laughed and jumped from tree to tree. Heart beating faster, Katelyn began to shake as she ran to catch up with the figure. "What the fuck- !"
"Cass!" She screamed. "You need to get over here. NOW!"
Then silence.
Katelyn stood for a second, waiting for something to happen. A tap on the shoulder made her freeze on the spot, as she slowly turned round and was face to face with a tall, well built man with bloodshot eyes and razor sharp teeth. His dark skin made his eyes pop.
Paralysed with fear, Katelyn gasped as she watched the fresh blood drip from his mouth and he smiled in delight.
"Catch." He growled before throwing an object her way.
Instinctively she did as she was told, as she caught the severed head of her partner and friend Cassian Hames.
She let out a howl as she dropped to the floor. He had been ripped from the neck upwards, his eyes were now blank and almost rolled to the back of his head. His mouth gaped open and half his tongue had been removed.
Katelyn screamed until she couldn't breathe anymore. Her head spun and she wished she could go back to earlier that day when she had stupidly come up with the idea to do an all night stakeout.
It was her fault that Cassian was dead. On that moment of time she blamed herself.
Katelyn stood up and ran back to the car, heavy tears rolled down her cheeks as she dropped her partners severed and very dead head to the floor, she turned on the ignition and sped away as fast as the vehicle would possibly take her. Looking in the rear view mirror she could see the shadowy figure just standing there watching her speed away. His long leather jacket flapped in the wind and his stature stood proud and satisfied. Katelyn sobbed uncontrollably as the figure stamped on Cassian's severed head, over and over again.
She was sure that she heard the vampires voice.
She thought he said "I'll see you soon."

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